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TLSharp use (using)

Media Explorer edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 1 revision

TLSharp use (using)


About TLSharp

Unofficial Telegram ( client library implemented in C#.

It's a perfect fit for any developer who would like to send data directly to Telegram users or write own custom Telegram client.

Table of contents

How do I add this to my project?

  • Install via NuGet

  • Install-Package TLSharp

or build from source (or.. decompile it from tlsharp dll! ;)

  • Clone TLSharp from GitHub
  • Compile source with VS2015 or MonoDevelop
  • Add reference to TLSharp.Core.dll to your awesome project.

Starter Guide

Quick Configuration

Telegram API isn't that easy to start. You need to do some configuration first.

First requests

To start work, create an instance of TelegramClient and establish connection

var client = new TelegramClient(apiId, apiHash);
await client.ConnectAsync();

Now you can work with Telegram API, but ->

Only a small portion of the API methods are available to unauthorized users. (full description)

For authentication you need to run following code

  var hash = await client.SendCodeRequestAsync("<user_number>");
  var code = "<code_from_telegram>"; // you can change code in debugger

  var user = await client.MakeAuthAsync("<user_number>", hash, code);

Full code you can see at AuthUser test

When user is authenticated, TLSharp creates special file called session.dat. In this file TLSharp store all information needed for user session. So you need to authenticate user every time the session.dat file is corrupted or removed.

You can call any method on authenticated user. For example, let's send message to a friend by his phone number:

  //get available contacts
  var result = await client.GetContactsAsync();

  //find recipient in contacts
  var user = result.Users
	  .Where(x => x.GetType() == typeof (TLUser))
	  .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Phone == "<recipient_phone>");
  //send message
  await client.SendMessageAsync(new TLInputPeerUser() {UserId = user.Id}, "OUR_MESSAGE");

Full code you can see at SendMessage test

To send message to channel you could use the following code:

  //get user dialogs
  var dialogs = (TLDialogsSlice) await client.GetUserDialogsAsync();

  //find channel by title
  var chat = dialogs.Chats
    .Where(c => c.GetType() == typeof(TLChannel))
    .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title == "<channel_title>");

  //send message
  await client.SendMessageAsync(new TLInputPeerChannel() { ChannelId = chat.Id, AccessHash = chat.AccessHash.Value }, "OUR_MESSAGE");

Full code you can see at SendMessageToChannel test

Working with files

Telegram separate files to two categories -> big file and small file. File is Big if its size more than 10 Mb. TLSharp tries to hide this complexity from you, thats why we provide one method to upload files UploadFile.

var fileResult = await client.UploadFile("cat.jpg", new StreamReader("data/cat.jpg"));

TLSharp provides two wrappers for sending photo and document

	await client.SendUploadedPhoto(new TLInputPeerUser() { UserId = user.Id }, fileResult, "kitty");
	await client.SendUploadedDocument(
                new TLInputPeerUser() { UserId = user.Id },
                "some zips", //caption
                "application/zip", //mime-type
                new TLVector<TLAbsDocumentAttribute>()); //document attributes, such as file name

Full code you can see at SendPhotoToContactTest and SendBigFileToContactTest

To download file you should call GetFile method

	await client.GetFile(
                new TLInputDocumentFileLocation()
                    AccessHash = document.AccessHash,
                    Id = document.Id,
                    Version = document.Version
                document.Size); //size of fileChunk you want to retrieve

Full code you can see at DownloadFileFromContactTest

Available Methods

For your convenience TLSharp have wrappers for several Telegram API methods. You could add your own, see details below.


What if you can't find needed method at the list?

Don't panic. You can call any method with help of SendRequestAsync function. For example, send user typing method:

  //Create request 
  var req = new TLRequestSetTyping()
    Action = new TLSendMessageTypingAction(),
    Peer = new TLInputPeerUser() { UserId = user.Id }

  //run request, and deserialize response to Boolean
  return await client.SendRequestAsync<Boolean>(req);

Where you can find a list of requests and its params?

The only way is Telegram API docs. Latest scheme in JSON format you can find here.

What things can I Implement (Project Roadmap)?


What API layer is supported?

The latest layer supported by TLSharp is 66. If you need a higher layer, help us test the preview version of TgSharp (your feedback is welcome!)

I get a xxxMigrationException or a MIGRATE_X error!

TLSharp library should automatically handle these errors. If you see such errors, please open a new Github issue with the details (include a stacktrace, etc.).

I get an exception: System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. All test methos except that AuthenticationWorks and TestConnection return same error. I did every thing including setting api id and hash, and setting server address.-

You should create a Telegram session. See configuration guide

Why do I get a FloodException/FLOOD_WAIT error?

After you get this, you cannot use Telegram's API for a while. You can know the time to wait by accessing the FloodException::TimeToWait property.

If this happens too often and/or the TimeToWait value is too long, there may be something odd going on. First and foremost, are you using TLSharp to manage more than one telegram account from the same host(server)? If yes, it's likely that you're hitting Telegram restrictions. We recommend that you use TLSharp in a standalone-device app (so that each instance of your program only uses one telegram account), so for example a mobile app, not a web app. If, on the other hand, you're completely sure that you found a bug in TLSharp about this, please open a Github issue.

Why does TLSharp lacks feature XXXX?

TLSharp only covers basic functionality of the Telegram protocol, you can be a contributor or a sponsor to speed-up developemnt of any more new features.

Where else to ask for help?

If you think you have found a bug in TLSharp, create a github issue. But if you just have questions about how to use TLSharp, use our gitter channel ( or our Telegram channel (

Attach following information:

  • Full problem description and exception message
  • Stack-trace
  • Your code that runs in to this exception
  • Without information listen above your issue will be closed.




As a workaround you can use -> WTelegramClient

WTelegramClient is another C#/.NET open-source library for accessing Telegram Client API and is:

  • offering up-to-date API (latest layer)
  • safer (latest MTProto v2 implementation and many security checks)
  • feature-complete (handling of updates, multiple-DC connections)
  • easy-to-use (API calls are direct methods with fully documented parameters in VS)
  • designed for .NET 5.0+, but also available for .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Framework 4.6.1+ & .NET Core 2.0+)
  • Build status NuGet version