TrackHub is an inventoy - based application that provides the client with key informations of their products based on the given inputs. Instead of writting a list of all of the business' products on a notebook and do the calculations by hands, TrackHub does all those tasks for you and you can access them right from your ios device!
To use the app, you can:
- Fork it and mess around with it
- Clone it, and run it on xcode
- Email me so I can add your device in the Beta version list of testers
- Medi Assumani, Sole iOS Developer
- List of Products with name, image, and the profits dislayed on a tableview.
- Synchronous information on projected profits made of all products based on provided data.
- Synchronous information on the total amount invested on all products based on provided data.
- "Add" button to give the user ability to log each products they have.
- "Delete" slider to remove a product from the inventory.
- Swift 4.0
- CoreData
- iOS 11
- Xcode 9.0
- Developed the entire UI and connected them with the Swift Code.
- Used UIKit's Tab Controller to structure the application better.
- Implemented a UITableView to contain all the user's products.
- Developed an Algorithm to calculate the total profits and total investment of all products.
- Developed an Algorithm to calculate each profit made off a product.
- I emplimented auto layout of each view controller in the app.
- I emplimented the entire Core Data scheme and helper methods of the app to persist each product's data.