A way to download Ghidra processor manuals that should be future proof. When future versions of Ghidra add support for new processors and have new processor manuals, this program will be able to add those new manuals to its config to download later.
Currently updated for 11.2
Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run get_ghidra_manuals.py
with your ghidra installation path. For example:
./get_ghidra_manuals.py ~/ghidra_11.2
The pdfs will be downloaded automatically and placed in the correct folders. If already downloaded, it will used cached pdfs.
usage: get_ghidra_manuals.py [-h] [--get-manual-idxs] [--overwrite-config] [--no-cache] ~/ghidra_xx.xx
Get ghidra manuals from the internet and put into your ghidra installation
positional arguments:
~/ghidra_xx.xx Path to ghidra installation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--get-manual-idxs Update config.json to include manuals from current ghidra installation
--overwrite-config Overwrite config.json with the new manual indexes. This is not typically what you want to do. Will clear current URLs from config.json
--no-cache Force download of PDFs. Do not use cached PDFs.
This whole repo is meant to be futureproof. If you initially used this script for a previous version of ghidra, and now want to use it for a newer version, you can simply run:
./get_ghidra_manuals.py <path_to_new_ghidra_dir> --get-manual-idxs
Which should give you one of the following outputs:
# There was a new processor manual added:
> ./get_ghidra_manuals.py ~/ghidra_11.2.1 --get-manual-idxs
Updated config with 1 configs.
Manuals info dumped to config.json
Done updating config.json.
# No new processor manuals were added:
> ./get_ghidra_manuals.py ~/ghidra_11.2.1 --get-manual-idxs
Did not update config.json as there were no missing manuals...
Done updating config.json.
Currently there are missing manuals for:
- M16C
- M16C_60
- M16C_80
For some reason they are hard to find. If anyone has these please let me know.
Please feel free to open a pull request to add more backup URLs to this project.
This project was originally created against ghidra 10.1.2 which had the 6805 processor folder which apparently no longer exists. If you get a warning about missing the 6805 folder, that's why.