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What is this ?

A simple library to send push notification by FastFirebase

Install via NuGet

To install FastFirebase, run the following command in Package Manager Console

    pm> Install-Package FastFirebase

You can also view the package page on NuGet.

How to use ?

1- Install package from nuget

2- Add required services Startup class as below :

             options.ServerKey = "FIREBASE_SERVER_KEY";

3- Send push notification by using IPushService:



      var serviceProvider = GetServiceProvider();
      var pushService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService();
  var model = new PushJsonModel
      deviceTokens = new string[] { "DeviceToken1", "DeviceToken2" },
      title = "test",
      body = "this is a test",
      data = null
  await pushService.SendPushAsync(model);