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Mehrdad Arshad Rad edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 7 revisions

You can run this demo through docker-compose and customize it with your targets quickly.

prerequisite: Docker and Docker Compose

🎥 video

  1. Clone the tcpprobe repo from github.
git clone
  1. Change the directory like below:
cd scripts/demo
  1. You can add your targets by editing the docker-compose.yml under tcpprobe service (optional)
version: "3"
    image: mehrdadrad/tcpprobe:latest
    hostname: tcpprobe
      - "8081:8081"
      - "8082:8082"
      ["tcpprobe", "-i", "20s", "", ""]
  1. run the demo by below command:
docker-compose up -d
  1. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000 through below credential:

user: tcpprobe pass: tcpprobe

Now you need to click on the "TCPProbe demo" pre-provisioned dashboard.

You can talk with running tcpprobe through command line or your script through gRPC:

Delete target

tcpprobe del

Add target

tcpprobe add

You can shutdown and clean up the demo by docker-compose down

tcpprobe_garafana tcpprobe_garafana

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