The RJUA-QA (RenJi hospital Department of Urology and Antgroup Collaborative Question and Answer dataset) is an innovative medical urology-specific QA reasoning dataset. This dataset is a collaborative creation by the AntGroup Medical LLM team and the expert team from the Department of Urology at the Renji Hospital, affiliated with the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. The development of this dataset aims to transform real clinical patient data into virtual patient clinical dialogues presented in a Q&A format, with data production being a collaborative effort between AI technology and expert teams to ensure high efficiency and accuracy. The case data in this dataset is compiled by professional doctors based on clinical experience, thus it does not involve any personal privacy of patients and doctors.
The RJUA-QA dataset contains 2,132 question-answer pairs, each crafted by doctors based on clinical experience with expert-provided answers and relevant reasoning contexts, derived from Chinese Urological and Andrological disease diagnosis and treatment guidelines. The dataset encompasses urological disease data collected from outpatient diagnoses, emergency interventions, hospital surgeries, and daily public education from 2019 to 2023, ensuring comprehensive coverage and depth across multiple medical scenarios. The dataset focuses on ten sub-specialties within urology, including but not limited to urological tumors, stones, prostate diseases, male health, urinary incontinence, urological reconstructive surgery, pediatric urological diseases, and kidney transplantation, covering over 97.6% of urological patient visits. Constructed with the involvement of the professional medical team from Renji Hospital's Department of Urology, the RJUA-QA dataset not only guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of its data but also offers significant practical value for real-world medical applications.
Dataset construction process.
Task Type | Language | Train | Val | Test | File Format | Size |
QA | Chinese | 1705 | 211 | 213 | .json | 11.7MB |
The number is the actual download amount.
67 common urological disease categories, which cover more than 97.6% of cases among the medical population.
Category | Diseases/Symptoms |
Renal and Adrenal Diseases | Adrenal Mass |
Renal Malignancy | |
Renal Angiomyolipoma | |
Renal Pelvis and Ureteral Tumors | |
Renal Calculus | |
Renal Cystic Diseases | |
Renal Abscess | |
Renal Trauma | |
Spontaneous Renal Rupture | |
Obstructive Nephropathy | |
Non-functioning Kidney | |
Duplex Kidney | |
Polycystic Kidney Disease | |
Renal Transplantation | |
Bladder Diseases | Bladder Cancer |
Overactive Bladder | |
Bladder Stones | |
Bladder Diverticulum | |
Bladder Foreign Body | |
Vesicovaginal Fistula | |
Vesicoureteral Fistula | |
Cystitis Glandularis | |
Bladder Detrusor Weakness | |
Stress Urinary Incontinence | |
Neurogenic Bladder | |
Urachal Cyst | |
Urachal Cancer | |
Urachal Anomaly | |
Prostate and Urethral Diseases | Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia |
Acute Prostatitis | |
Chronic Prostatitis | |
Prostate Cancer | |
Prostate Cancer Screening | |
Urethral Stricture | |
Urethral Diverticulum | |
Urethral Foreign Bodies | |
Gonococcal Urethritis | |
Male Genital Diseases | Balanoposthitis |
Phimosis | |
Prepuce | |
Preputial Scars | |
Frenular Tear | |
Penile Cancer | |
Scrotal Gangrene | |
Scrotal Abscess | |
Scrotal Trauma | |
Seminal Vesiculitis | |
Spermatic Cord Cyst | |
Epididymal Cyst | |
Testicular Tumor | |
Epididymo-orchitis | |
Testicular Torsion | |
Hydrocele Testis | |
Cryptorchidism | |
Erectile Dysfunction | |
Male Infertility | |
Azoospermia | |
Oligozoospermia | |
Hematospermia | |
Ureteral and Retroperitoneal Diseases | Ureteral Calculus |
Ureteral Stricture | |
Retroperitoneal Mass | |
Pelvic Lipomatosis | |
Retroperitoneal Fibrosis | |
Other Diseases and Symptoms | Urinary Tract Infections |
Common Postoperative Complications | |
Hematuria of Unknown Origin |
Common urological disease categories and proportions.
24.95% (532/2132) of patients in the dataset had two urological diagnoses. 3.99% (83/2132) of patients had three or more urological diagnoses.
"id": "4",
"question": "医生您好,我是60岁男性,2天前出现右侧腰痛,尿量减少来就医。到了医院急诊检查CT:双侧侧输尿管上段结石伴积水。血指标:白细胞 15.6,中性粒细胞百分比 83%,血红蛋白 127,血小板 251,C反应蛋白 91,静脉血气PH7.28,血钠 138, 血钾 4.6, AB 21,乳酸 0.8,血肌酐 865,降钙素原 0.245。请问我是什么诊断,该如何治疗?",
"context": [
"Context:1.非手术治疗 对于直径<5mm的输尿管结石,约75%可自行排出,因此首选非手术治疗;对于直径5~10mm的结石,可在密切监测下选用非手术治疗[142,143]。非手术治疗措施包括:大量饮水,每天2500~3000ml;适度运动;应用镇痛药物缓解肾绞痛症状;定期监测结石位置及肾积水的变化。输尿管结石的平均排石时间为6~29天[142],因此建议对于排石的随访观察以1个月以内为宜。",
"answer": "您好,根据您的描述,你现在是双侧输尿管结石伴积水感染,急性梗阻性肾衰。你应该尽快行双侧输尿管支架置入术,术后继续抗感染、补液、对症支持治疗,密观患者生命体征变化、感染指标、肾功能、电解质及尿量。",
"disease": "双侧输尿管结石伴积水感染、急性梗阻性肾衰",
"advice": "双侧输尿管支架置入术、术后抗感染、补液、对症支持治疗"
The dataset is divided into three files, of which the training set and validation set are used for model training and validation, and the test set is used for model reasoning indicator evaluation.
- Shiwei Lyu (Ant Group)
- Chenfei Chi (Renji Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine)
- Hongbo Cai (Ant Group)
- Lei Shi (Ant Group)
- Xiaoyan Yang (Ant Group)
- Lei Liu (Ant Group)
- Xiang Chen (Ant Group)
- Deng Zhao (Ant Group)
- Zhiqiang Zhang (Ant Group)
- Xianguo Lyu (Renji Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine)
- Ming Zhang (Renji Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine)
- Fangzhou Li (Renji Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine)
- Xiaowei Ma (Renji Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine)
- Yue Shen (Ant Group)
- Jinjie Gu (Ant Group)
- Wei Xue (Renji Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine)
- Yiran Huang (Renji Hospital, affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine)
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Publication Date: 2023
title={RJUA-QA: A Comprehensive QA Dataset for Urology},
author={Shiwei Lyu and Chenfei Chi and Hongbo Cai and Lei Shi and Xiaoyan Yang and Lei Liu and Xiang Chen and Deng Zhao and Zhiqiang Zhang and Xianguo Lyu and Ming Zhang and Fangzhou Li and Xiaowei Ma and Yue Shen and Jinjie Gu and Wei Xue and Yiran Huang},
Original introduction article is here.