Gatsby 5 starter created by Melek lassoued⚡🚀 A passionate fullStackJS developer.
This starter designed to front-end developers who wants to optimize their times and create static sites .
so what's Gatsby.js ?
Gatsby : is an open-source static site generator built on top of Node.js using React and GraphQL.
In this starter we will introduce to you many features will help you to optimize your time and to create a well structured project which will make your life easier to maintain your site in the future.
- Boostrap 5
- scss
- i18next
- hygen to : generate conventional code templates
- Airbnb react style guide implementation
- Uses ESLint and Prettier working in pair together
- Linting and formatting are enforced (won't compile unless addressed)
- Formatting/Linting is automatically processed on saving files. If linting errors remain unresolved, commit won't go through
- In fact, linting and formatting tasks are also
installed as a pre-commit hook through Husky
- format your code :
yarn format:fix
- fix your code :
yarn lint:fix
Follows the Conventional Committing standard
Feature example:
git commit -m "feat: Closes ISS-1. Ability to login with Apple"
Patch example:
git commit -m "fix: Closes ISS-2 and corrects scrolling bug"
Major/Breaking change example:
git commit -m "BREAKING CHANGE: Updated website version"
Combines feature and breaking change:
Major/Breaking change example:
git commit -m "feat: Closes ISS-1. Ability to login with Apple BREAKING CHANGE: Updated Gatsby version"
Commits not impacting versioning:
- Regular / casual example:
git commit -m "chore: ISS-4 Installed dependencies"
- Refactoring example:
git commit -m "refactoring: Refactored component"
- Other commit types: build:, chore:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor:, perf:, test
- Regular / casual example:
The standard is linted and Husky will prevent commits from going through if it's not compliant
Project managers/owners can release satisfying updates and issue version bumps thanks to standard-version by running
yarn release
. This will generate: -
Appropriate tags based on the conventional commit history
An aggregated
file update.
Hygen allows you to generate conventional code templates:
install hygen globaly :
npm i -g hygen
hygen gatsby page SomePage
This will add the following files:
: Gatsby standard pagepage-styles/SomePage.scss
: A.scss
style file for the page with root selector defined assome-page
hygen gatsby component SomeComponent --page SomePage
This will create a folder for a component associated with the page SomePage
under /page-components/SomeComponent
. The folder will contain the following files:
: Standard component fileSomeComponent.scss
: Standard.scss
style file for the component imported with the component implementation file
hygen gatsby component SomeWidget
This will create a folder for a shared component (reusable among pages and other components). The SomeWidget
folder will contain:
: Standard component fileSomeWidget.scss
: Standard.scss
style file for the component imported with the component implementation file
├── src
├────── pages => Contains Gatsby pages named with this pattern page-name.js
├────── page-styles => Contains style files in .scss for Gatsby pages named with the corresponding page name
with this pattern PageName.scss
├────── page-components => Contains components that are specific to a page named with the corresponding page name with this pattern PageName/ComponentName/ComponentName.js|.scss
├────── shared => Shared components, layouts (feel free to add your own extra layouts), helpers and global style
├──────────── styles
├─────────────────── theme.scsss => Theme global style which can use variables (see file below) as well
├─────────────────── _variables.scss => All shared colors, dimensions, font features and visual effects should go here
├─────────────────── global.scsss => Other globals than theme globals. Minor but useful.
├─────────────────── index.scc => **WARNING** Only touch to use/enable a theme over another
├─────────────────── theme-gatsby-default.scsss => Leave as is (for debugging purposes)
├──────────── Helpers => Add any redundant logic, driver logic, decoupled code...etc. here
├── package.json => dependencies / dev dependencies
├── gatsby-config.js => OK. Use for Gatsby configurations
├── gatsby-browser.js => OK. Use for Gatsby configurations
├── gatsby-ssr.js => OK. Use for Gatsby configurations only for specific projects with SSR
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Dependencies */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Packages
import React from 'react';
// Hooks
import { useSiteMetaData } from '../../hooks/use-site-metadata';
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* SeoComponent */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
export const Seo = ({ title, description, pathName, children }) => {
// Destructuring seo attributes from UseMetaData Hook
const {
title: defaultTitle,
description: defaultDescription,
} = useSiteMetaData();
// Seo default props
const seo = {
title: title || defaultTitle,
description: description || defaultDescription,
image: `${siteUrl}${image}`,
url: `${siteUrl}${pathName || ''}`,
/* ****************************** SEO RENDETING ***************************** */
return (
<meta name="description" content={seo.description} />
<meta name="image" content={seo.image} />
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content={seo.title} />
<meta name="twitter:url" content={seo.url} />
<meta name="twitter:description" content={seo.description} />
<meta name="twitter:image" content={seo.image} />
<meta name="twitter:creator" content={seo.twitterUsername} />
href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 100 100'><text y='0.9em' font-size='90'>👤</text></svg>"