Hi 👋, I am Melli!
Can you solve my frontend challenge?
This repo is a simple Vue 3 project with four different routes. Each route contains a different task focusing on Vue 3's Composition API, TailwindCSS & UI design, and the usage of a simple REST API.
The goal is to solve all tasks and create a pull request to this repository with your solution. To admire your work 🤩, we will deploy your branch to https://deploy-preview-##--emilia-vue-challenge.netlify.app
, where ##
is the number of your PR.
Happy coding!
Clone the repository and then install the dependencies:
pnpm install
Start development server at http://localhost:3333:
pnpm dev
When you finish all tasks create a pull request. We would love to interview you 😍!
Based on Vitesse template
- ⚡️ Vue 3, Vite 2, pnpm
- 🧭 Vue Router
- 🗂
- file system based routing
- 🗂
- 🎨 UnoCSS (On-demand TailwindCSS) - The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.
- 😃 Use icons from any icon sets in Pure CSS
- 🧩 VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs
- 📥
- Directly use Vue Composition API and others without importing - 📦
- components auto import - 🔥 Use the new
<script setup>