An operating system for RISC V, featuring a small microkernel.
Install the Newlib GNU RISC-V toolchain and do make
to build. Do make idisc
to build the initrd disc. Do make run
to run.
Alternatively, you can install Clang and use make CC=clang
and make idisc CC=clang
This is the new "how to exit Vi" I guess. To exit, press Ctrl+a, unpress those keys, and then press x.
Execute make gdb
and then make run
If you'd like to trace the execution since the beginning, use make run WAIT_GDB=1
. This halts the emulator until a gdb connection is established.
ilo pali microkernel features:
- fdt driver
- uart driver
- initrd driver (read only)
- memory management
- process management
- like 20 syscalls