JSystemTrader 6.24 imported from Google Code.
JSystemTrader 6.24 was released on September 13, 2008.
Original home page: http://code.google.com/p/jsystemtrader/ (archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20101222022828/http://code.google.com/p/jsystemtrader/)
retrieved from http://jsystemtrader.googlecode.com/files/JSystemTrader-6.24.tbz2
(archived link: https://web.archive.org/web/20100423033536/http://jsystemtrader.googlecode.com/files/JSystemTrader-6.24.tbz2).
SHA256SUM: 182457583c724c20aa20c3c59672e72730f1eda3eebde6b1c645fa146e6e9009
The JSystemTrader-6.24
directory was extracted from JSystemTrader-6.24.tbz2
JSystemTrader is a fully automated trading system (ATS) that can trade various types of market securities during the trading day without user monitoring. All aspects of trading, such as obtaining prices, analyzing price patterns, making trading decisions, placing orders, monitoring order executions, and controlling the risk are automated according to the user preferences. The central idea behind JSystemTrader is to completely remove the emotions from trading, so that the trading system can systematically and consistently follow a predefined set of rules.
JSystemTrader is intended for software developers. It is not an "off-the-shelf" product that can be installed and run. Instead, JSystemTrader provides a framework for developing automated trading systems and requires a certain amount of programming knowledge and experience. The users can modify any part of the source code, implement their own trading strategies, and customize the system in any way. If you are not a software developer or if you don't have much experience programming in Java, JSystemTrader is probably not for you.