A web application with backend in Flask and frontend in React and D3.js that uses Memgraph to ingest real-time data scraped from Twitter. Data is streamed via Apache Kafka or Apache Pulsar, and stream processing is performed with Memgraph.
You will need:
- Docker
- Docker Compose (included with Docker Desktop on Windows and macOS)
You can start everything but the frontend client by running the bash script:
bash run_kafka.sh
If you want to run the app with Apache Pulsar, use the script bash run_pulsar.sh
. After that, in another window, run the frontend app with:
docker-compose up frontend-app
The React application will be running on http://localhost:3000
If you want to start the app without using the bash script, then:
1. Remove possibly running containers:
docker-compose rm -fs
2. Build all the needed images:
docker-compose build
3. Start the Apache Kafka and Memgraph MAGE services:
docker-compose up -d kafka
docker-compose up -d memgraph-mage-kafka
4. Start the data stream:
docker-compose up -d stream-kafka
5. Start the backend application:
docker-compose up backend-kafka
6. Start the frontend application in a new terminal window:
docker-compose up frontend-app
The React application will be running on http://localhost:3000
Dynamic Community detection:
Dynamic PageRank: