This is a date picker for Mendix. It add support for inline editing of a date (DOM-structure is different from the normal Mendix date picker)
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This is a Mendix implementation of the Pikaday library
Attribute. Should be of type DateTime
This is the date format that the widget uses (formatting comes from Moment.js). Note: this is different from the placeholder used in Appearance.
Show a button next to the text-field.
Glyphicon button class. The icon has class "glyphicon glyphicon-" and this class name.
Placeholder text used in the input field.
Show the days that are within a week but outside the current month.
Show a label in front of the input field.
Text for the label.
Glyphicon button class. The icon has class "glyphicon glyphicon-" and this class Name. If you leave this empty it will use the standard buttons that are defined in the CSS file.
Glyphicon button class. The icon has class "glyphicon glyphicon-" and this class Name. If you leave this empty it will use the standard buttons that are defined in the CSS file.
The microflow to execute on when the value is changed.
Make dates outside the current month clickable.
Keep this on false if you are using a button. This will prevent unwanted opening of the calendar when the input field gets it's focus. This can be annoying when for example using an on change microflow.
Disable the selection of weekend days (Saturday and Sunday).
This project is licensed under the Apache License v2 (for details, see the LICENSE file).