This project aims to analyze the data of an Online Retail Store to gather some insights and make decisions based on Products Popularity, Products and Customers Profitability, Customer Segmentation, and some other metrics using Analytical SQL such as Window Functions, CTEs ... etc.
Also, the data is visualized through various charts to add more clearness to the insights and understand sales trends and uncover potential opportunities for growth.
The flow of the project is as the following:
- Data was ingested into
Oracle DBMs
after creating the tables in the database. - The analysis was done using Analytical SQL and Window Functions.
- The project went through 4 phases:
- Data exploration
- Asking business questions and trying to answer them
- Applying RFM model
- Tracking customers behavior through their purchasing data
- All figures and charts are created using
Excel Sheets
The repository consists of 3 directories:
→ has all the.sql
files that contains the queries.datasets
→ has 2.csv
files of the datasets and 2.sql
files for the DDL queries of creating the tables.images
→ has all the figures used in this repo.
As the data exploration phase is one of the most important phases of any data analytics project, so let's start with. This phase made me understand the aspects of our retail data such as the size of data, the number of customers that purchased in a specified period, the year we're trying to analyze its data, and the products that are included in this analysis.
Click here to show the dataset → Online Retail Store Dataset
After some exploration, I've concluded that:
- Total number of records is
. - Our customer network has
customers. - The total number of products sold are
products. - We're interested in only one country which is
United Kingdom
. - Our period of interest is between
Dec 12, 2010
andDec 9, 2011
. 717
invoices have been made by different customers.
You can check the code from here → Data Exploration Queries
The purpose of this analysis is to answer some major questions to help move the business in the right direction.
As a retial store, we're interested to view the revenue data for each month for the year 2011
. Also, it's beneficial to understand and dig deeper into the Seasonal Trends.
So, we've aggregated the total revenue for each month in the year 2011
and shown the corresponding quarter. The data is sorted by total revenue in descending order partitioned by quarter.
You can check the code from here → Seasonal Trends Query
Besides, we've decided to dig deeper into the behavior of the revenue for each quarter and measure the Quarter on Quarter metric which represents the rate of change between quarterly fiscal data. It helps in determining the store's quarterly growth.
You can check the code from here → Quarterly Trends Query
As a retail store which helps thousands of customers to get their products, we're interested in viewing some information on the top 10 customers by revenue. This information shows the rank of each customer based on the Average Puchase Value
, the total revenue he/she helps us to earn, and the total number of invoices he/she has made.
This helps us to define the top 10 customers who participated in our growth, and make a decision to invest in those customers.
You can check the code from here → Average Purchase Value Query
It's very important for any retail store to gain insights on the demand for their products. Two of the most important KPIs that determines this aspect is Product Popularity and Product Profitability.
Product Popularity defines the items that are selling well, in other words they're the best sellers.
You can check the code from here → Products Popularity Query
On the other hand, Product Profitability determines the amount of profit that each product makes in a particular period.
You can check the code from here → Products Profitability Query
RFM or Receny, Frequency, Monetary Model is a strategy for analyzing and estimating the value of a customer based on three data points:
- Recency → How recently did the customer make a purchase ?
- Frequency → How often do they purchase ?
- Monetary → How much do they spend ?
These three factors can be used to reasonably predict how likely (or unlikely) it is that a customer will re-purchase from a company.
After calculting the Recency, Frequency, and Monetary, customers are classified with a numerical ranking for each of the three values, with the ideal customer earning the highest score in each of the three categories. Here, the three values are on a scale of 1-5.
After getting the three scores, R_Score, F_Score, and M_Score. Our customers can be divided into segments according to the values of those scores. Here, I've divided the customers on only 2 values R_Score, and the average value of F_Score and M_score which is the FM_Score.
Customers are segmented according to the following table:
Here is a snapshot of the customer segments results from the RFM Analysis:
You can check the whole code from here → RFM Model Queries
Having a dataset with the purchasing dates and amount spent for each customer helps our retail store to track the customers behavior in purchasing our products. One of the KPIs which helps us is the number of consecutive purchasing days of each customer. The customers who but regularly from our retail store are so valuable and we need to care about them.
Click here to show the dataset → Daily Purchasing Dataset
Using Analytical SQL and Window Functions, it's easy to track the consecutive days through LAG
function to get each previous purchasing day and compare the results with the actual previous days in calender. This results in getting multiple number of consecutive days per customer, but getting the maximum of them is easier using MAX
You can check the whole code from here → Tracing Customers Purchasing Behavior
We're interested in getting the average number of days/transactions over all customers to reach a spent threshold of 250 LE. This value differs from customer to customer depending on the number of times they purchased, and the total amount spent for each order. Besides, there're some customers who didn't reach this threshold.
After performing some calculations using Analytical SQL, I've found that, on average, the number of days/transactions customers made to reach this threshold is 7
You can check the whole code from here → Average Number of Days to reach a Threshold