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Meraki Script Development CLI

This package provides a command-line utility for validating scripts developed for Meraki.

Using this tool will increase the likelihood that your submitted script will be accepted after review.


To install meraki-cli, run npm install:

npm install meraki-cli --save-dev


Note: In several places, the script is referenced as meraki-cli, however in some cases you may have to use ./node_modules/.bin/meraki-cli instead for the command to work correctly.

Running Script Checks

To run script checks for a file, run:

meraki-cli check /path/to/my/Script.js


meraki-cli check /path/to/my/ScriptTraits.js

You will see output similar to the following:


Keep in mind that all script checks must pass before your code can be deployed to the Meraki testnet or mainnet, so it's important to check your work regularly.

check only works on files named Script.js and ScriptTraits.js

Downloading your work

You may download a zip archive of your scripts from Meraki using the download command:

meraki-cli download


Uploading your work

You may upload your scripts to Meraki via the submit command:

meraki-cli submit


You will be prompted for your project's identifier (found on the project meta page) and your account API key (found on your profile page). Once you've entered this information once, it is saved and reused on future executions of submit.

Help with Uploading & Downloading

To find your Project Identifier:


To find your API Token (located on the Profile page):


Checking for updates

You may check for updates to meraki-cli by running:

meraki-cli update-check

Note: update checks are automatically run on a regular basis as well.



npm install
npm run build:dev

bin/meraki-cli --help


meraki-cli uses Jest for unit tests. To run the test suite:

npm run test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.