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Built with rtl_433!

David Todd edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 11 revisions

This page offers a list of tools built with rtl_433 as their foundations. These tools help support users of rtl_433 by providing additional capabilities that layer upon the already-extensive capabilities of rtl_433.

  1. rtl_snr: Catalog and characterize the ISM devices that broadcast in your neighborhood. rtl_snr analyzes the rtl_433 JSON log file to list the devices in your neighborhood that rtl_433 has recognized. The summary list includes a count of events broadcast and average signal-to-noise ratio, which might help identify those devices closest in proximity.
  2. DNT: Display the temperature readings from the remote sensors in your neighborhood. DNT displays the temperatures as broadcast by remote sensors (e.g., Acurite, LaCrosse, etc) in your neighborhood, as received by rtl_433 and broadcast on your LAN as MQTT JSON packets by rtl_433.