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Built with rtl_433!

dewgenenny edited this page Nov 10, 2023 · 11 revisions

This page offers a list of tools built with rtl_433 as their foundations. These tools help support users of rtl_433 by providing additional capabilities that layer upon the already-extensive capabilities of rtl_433.

  1. rtl_watch: Real-time monitor of devices seen by rtl_433. Catalogs devices seen, counts the number of packets observed from each and their signal-to-noise characteristics, updating display in real time.
  2. rtl_433_stats: Catalog and characterize the ISM devices that broadcast in your neighborhood. rtl_snr analyzes the rtl_433 JSON log file to list the devices in your neighborhood that rtl_433 has recognized. The summary list includes a count of events broadcast, average signal-to-noise ratio, time between transmissions, radio frequencies, and packets-per-transmission, which might help identify those devices closest in proximity.
  3. DNT: Display the temperature readings from the remote sensors in your neighborhood. DNT displays the temperatures as broadcast by remote sensors (e.g., Acurite, LaCrosse, etc) in your neighborhood, as received by rtl_433 and broadcast on your LAN as MQTT JSON packets by rtl_433.
  4. rtl2mqtt: A heavy-weight"RTL-to-MQTT" bridge daemon written in bash. rtl2mqtt filters rtl_433 JSON output, reduces massively the amount of messages for chatty sensors (e.g. motion, temperature), supports Home Assistant Home Assistant discovery (HASS) for new sensors (not on random, single receptions), calculates dewpoints for sensors (if they don't already have it), supports additional uploads to Weather Underground and some other helpful features.
  5. node-rtl433-ui: A simple dockerized Web-UI and Server-App to map values from devices to a mqtt topic, add model or device to ignore list, forget unmapped devices after a given time.
  6. rtl_433_ESP port enables OOK device decoders running on a ESP32.
  7. rtl_433_discoverandsubmit: A command-line utility to connect to an MQTT server, listen to rtl_433 events, and allow users to generate auto-discovery configurations for Home Assistant for the devices they choose.