ensure default import coupled with default export
❌ Disabled
disallow invalid exports, e.g. multiple defaults
✅ Enabled (error)
Ensure consistent use of file extension within the import path
❌ Disabled
disallow non-import statements appearing before import statements
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
import foo from './foo';
import bar from './bar';
// Good
import foo from './foo';
import bar from './bar';
ensure named imports coupled with named exports
❌ Disabled
enforces names exist at the time they are dereferenced, when imported as a full namespace
❌ Disabled
Require a newline after the last import/require in a group
❌ Disabled
disallow AMD require/define
✅ Enabled (error)
disallow require()
❌ Disabled
disallow use of jsdoc-marked-deprecated imports
❌ Disabled
disallow duplicate imports
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
import SomeDefaultClass from './mod';
import foo from './some-other-mod';
import * as names from './mod';
import { something } from './mod.js';
Forbid the use of extraneous packages
❌ Disabled
Forbid mutable exports
✅ Enabled (error)
// Bad
export let count = 2;
let count = 4;
export { count };
warn on accessing default export property names that are also named exports
❌ Disabled
do not allow a default import name to match a named export
❌ Disabled
disallow namespace imports
❌ Disabled
No Node.js builtin modules
❌ Disabled
ensure imports point to files/modules that can be resolved
✅ Enabled (error)
Enforce a convention in module import order
❌ Disabled
Require modules with a single export to use a default export
❌ Disabled