► Back-end: Java and Spring Boot with webflux
- Rest API based design ► Database: MongoDB ► Front-end: Typescript + ReactJS + Redux
► Strong account security and user role management ► CRUD operations for user and ride group operations ► Account registration and verification (Email service with via SendGrid) ► Geolocation detection and search via Nomatim API
- Modular component based design is used
- Many components are reused in several page views
- Container routes to the 'App' presentational view and shows the home page for guests with Login/Signup functionality
- Redux enables synchronized app store data sharing among relevant components
- Enables user login or registration
- A logged in user can go to their account details and see all memberships and requests
- Provides details of the clicked or requested group.
- It shows the group members and their privileges
- Depending on the user privilege level, user can remove memberships or leave certain group, etc
- Depending on user privilege level, user can accept join requests or only have overall visibility
- User can search new members for the group and send invitations
- Provides details of logged in user memberships and pending invitations
- User can search for new groups depending on the origin and destination latitude and radius and apply for membership
- Log out reverts to home page
- User can create a new group, delete existing memberships approve/disapprove pending invitations
- Standard navigation component with built in log in/ log out/ registration and account verification components
- Account verification is activated with Send Grid email API