A Fullstack development webpage for real-time portfolio tracking.
Build a full stack app that enables stock, crypto and ETF Fund tracking
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- Socket.io
- PlotlyJS
- OAuth Authentication with PassportJs for popular social networking sites
- Local Authentication for user registry
A user can sign up via registering to the site or via using social log-in plug-ins
A user gets a verification token if he/she prefers a local sign up and upon verification user account gets created, user can log in to the webpage
An authenticated user can ask for reactivation of his/her account if the account verification has been lost or password is forgotten
An authenticated user can create his own portfolio to track how it has been historically progressing
An authenticated user can sign in from multiple computers or multiple tabs of a local computer, via Socket.io. Then the user gets registered to a unique room and can at real-time change the portfolio. That would also enable multiple people, who has accesss to the user account details, observe or edit the portfolio
An authenticated user can make use of created autocomplete functionality in the process of searching and adding new items to the portfolio
An authenticated user can play with the chart time period, zoom in and out in different date ranges
An authenticated user can click/unclick the relevant portfolio items to activate/deactivate in the plot
AlphaVantage API is used to make get the historical daily portfolio item values