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Bu repository altında aşağıdaki yöntemlere ilişkin örnekler bulunmaktadır.
- Haar Cascade - Yüz, göz, burun vb. nesne tanıma.
- Renk Tespiti - Nesne rengi tespiti ve renk ile nesne takibi.
- Template Matching - Template matching / Şablon eşleştirme yöntemi kullanarak nesne tespiti.
- Derin öğrenme - Derin sinir ağı (DNN) ile nesne tespiti.
Kaynak kod dizini: src/FaceAndEyeDetection/
Object detection Örneks with haar cascade classifier algorithm (Face, eyes, mouth, other objects etc.). Cascade Classifier Training http://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/dc/d88/tutorial_traincascade.html
What is Haar cascade? Haar cascade classifier Object Detection using Haar feature-based cascade classifiers is an effective object detection method proposed by Paul Viola and Michael Jones in their paper, "Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features" in 2001. It is a machine learning based approach where a cascade function is trained from a lot of positive and negative images. It is then used to detect objects in other images.
- OpenCV 3.x Versiyon
- Java > 6 Versiyon
Face and eye detection by the camera using haar cascade algorithm.
Kaynak kod dizini: src/ColorBasedObjectTracker/
An Örnek of an application where OpenCV is used to detect objects based on color differences.
- OpenCV >2.x Versiyon
- Java >6 Versiyon
Kaynak kod dizini: src/TemplateMatchingObjectDetection/
Template matching is a technique for finding areas of an image that match (are similar) to a template image (patch).
- OpenCV 3.x Versiyon
- Java >6 Versiyon
My blog post for template matching.
Kaynak kod dizini: src/DeepNeuralNetwork/
- OpenCV > 3.3 Versiyon
In this tutorial you will learn how to use opencv dnn module for image classification by using MobileNetSSD_deploy trained network. My blog post for deep neural network.