Microservices Architecture Workshop focuses on helping the developers / architects to understand the key Architecture paradigms with hands on section. The course helps the developers from Monolithic App mindset to a Microservices based App development. It also helps the developers with hands on development experience with key Microservices infrastructure technologies like Eureka, Ribbon, Zuul, Kafka etc., and key Architecture styles likes Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and CQRS, Functional Reactive Programming, Microservice messaging.
MetaArivu : Eco System Evangelist. mailto:arivu@metamagic.in
- Developers / Sr. Developers
- Architects / Sr. Architects
- Business Analysts
- Engineering Directors / CIO
- Microservices Architecture Styles
- Scalability
- Design Styles
- Design: Event Storming
- Distributed Transaction Management
- Transactions: Case Studies
- Messaging: Service Mesh
- Messaging: Apache Kafka
- Security
- Hands on Workshop – Architecture
- Hands on Workshop – Deployment
- Hands on Workshop – Case Study
- Understand the Microservices Architecture concepts
- Understand Event Sourcing and CQRS
- Understanding Domain Driven Design
- Understanding Functional Reactive Programming
- Understanding Distributed Transaction Management
- Understanding Microservices Messaging
- Setting up Micro services Infrastructure (API Gateway, Service Discovery, Load Balancer, Circuit Breaker)
- Java Programming Language
- Design Patterns
- Pros and Cons
- Micro Services Characteristics
- Monolithic Vs. Micro Services Architecture
- SOA Vs. Micro Services Architecture
- App Scalability Based on Micro Services
- Hexagonal Architecture
- CAP Theorem
- Distributed Transactions: 2 Phase Commit
- SAGA Design Pattern
- Scalability Lessons from EBay
- Design Patterns
- Understanding Requirement Analysis
- Bounded Context
- Context Map
- Aggregate Root
- ES and CQRS
- Event Sourcing Example
- Building Blocks of RxJava
- Observable and Observer Design Pattern
- Comparison: Iterable / Streams / Observable
- Design Patterns: Let it Crash / SAGA
- Event Sourcing Intro
- Domain and Integration Events
- Event Sourcing & CQRS Implementations
- Mind Shift
- Event Storming
- Event Storming Restaurant Example
- Event Storming Process map – Concept
- ESP Example
- SAGA Design Pattern
- SAGA Features
- Local SAGA Features
- SAGA Execution Container (SEC)
- Let-it-Crash Design Pattern
- Handling Invariants
- Use Case : Travel Booking – SEC
- Use Case : Travel Booking – Rollback
- Use Case : Restaurant – Forward Recovery
- Use Case : Shopping Site – ES / CQRS
- Use Case : Movie Streaming – ES / CQRS
- Eight fallacies of Distributed Computing
- Service Mesh
- Sidecar Design Pattern
- Service Mesh – Sidecar Design Pattern
- Service Mesh – Per Host Design Pattern
- Service Mesh Software Features
- Service Mesh – Traffic Control
- Service Mesh Open Source Infrastructures
- Kafka Features
- Kafka Topic & Durability
- Kafka Data Structure
- Kafka Performance
- Kafka Case Study
- Understanding JSON Web Token
- Anatomy of JSON Web Token
- Benefits of JSON Web Token
- Domain Driven Design
- Event Sourcing and CQRS (Using Axon Framework)
- Microservice Messaging using Kafka
- Functional Reactive Programming
- Security of REST Services (using JWT – JSON Web Token)
- Declarative REST Clients (Spring)
- Microservices Cloud Configuration (Spring Cloud)
- Microservice Service Discovery (Spring Cloud Eureka)
- Microservice Load Balancing (Spring Cloud Ribbon)
- Microservice Circuit Breaker (Spring Cloud Hysterix)
- Microservice API Gateway (Spring Cloud Zuul)
Following Microservices are built based on
- Spring Boot with design examples on
- Domain Driven Design,
- Event Sourcing and CQRS,
- Circuit Breaker Design Pattern
- Asynchronous messaging using Kafka.
All the source code and detailed course materials for the above mentioned Microservices will be shared after the workshop.
- Linux Workstation (Ubuntu)
- Java - http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
- Eclipse / Maven - https://maven.apache.org/install.html
- Spring Tool Suite - https://spring.io/tools/sts/all
- Kafka / PostgreSQL / Netflix (Ribbon, Hystrix, Eureka, Zuul) / Rx Java v2.0
- Spring Boot / Docker Containers
- NPM/Node - https://nodejs.org/en/
- Angular CLI - https://cli.angular.io
- Hardware – 16 GB RAM (Preferred) & 256 GB HDD, Intel i5 or i7 CPU
- Internet Connection
- Microservices Architecture Part 1 - Infrastructure and Design Styles
- Microservices Architecture Part 2 - Event Storming and Distributed Transactions
- Microservices Architecture Part 3 - Service Mesh and Kafka
- Microservices Architecture Part 4 - Functional Reactive Programming
MetaArivu : Eco System Evangelist. mailto:arivu@metamagic.in
Copyright © MetaMagic Global Inc, 2017-18. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.