LXC node monitoring through Zabbix.
LXC containers monitoring through Zabbix.
Template "Template LXC Node" finds all containers, creates new hosts and apply template "Template LXC CT" on them.
sudo, zabbix-agent, zabbix-sender.
mkdir /etc/zabbix/scripts
chmod 755 /etc/zabbix/scripts
cp zabbix/scripts/lxc.sh /etc/zabbix/scripts
chmod 644 /etc/zabbix/scripts/lxc.sh
cp zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/lxc.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/
cp sudoers.d/zabbix /etc/sudoers.d/
chown root:root /etc/sudoers.d/zabbix
chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/zabbix
service zabbix-agent restart
Add visudo
rule by command:
visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/zabbix
And add rule line:
zabbix ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/sh /etc/zabbix/scripts/lxc-info.sh *
Go to zabbix web gui and import "zbx_templates/Template_LXC_CT.xml" and "zbx_templates/Template_LXC_Node.xml" into your templates.
Apply template "Template LXC Node" to LXC hardware node (otherwise known as host system).
Do not import template "Template LXC Node.xml".
Create host in zabbix with name in format:
, wherelxc_host
- hostname you LXC hardware node,lxc_container
- hostname LXC container. -
Apply template "Template_LXC_CT" manually for new host.