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Releases: meteoinfo/MeteoInfo


25 Jul 03:34
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  • Add Point2DCollection, LineCollection classes
  • Add ·makemarkers· function
  • Add Transform for graphics
  • Add avoidcoll argument in barbs, quiver and stationmodel functions
  • Add crs module and some common used projections in geolib package
  • Add velocity_potential and stream_function functions
  • Add magic, convolve functions
  • Add Rotation class for 3-D rotation of vectors
  • Support long type data math operators
  • Add _eof sub-package for EOF analysis
  • Add isin function in DataFrame and Series
  • Support CA/CB, SA/SB, SC, PA, CC radar data file
  • Update netcdf-java to version 5.6.0
  • Update flatlaf to version 3.5
  • Update rsyntaxtextarea to version 3.4.0
  • Some other bugs fixed


11 Mar 09:09
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  • New MapPlot rendering functions without MapView
  • Support LaTeX in 3D axes
  • Support unicode text in colorbar
  • Enable system error output in console
  • Support read MATLAB data file
  • Support read and write npy/npz data file
  • Support colorful streamline in 2D plot
  • Support output GeoJSON file
  • Update gifaddframe function to support add an BufferedImage
  • Support visible light data with calibration in AWX
  • Support extend and extendfrac parameters in contourf function
  • Add spacing function
  • Add Line2D class in plotlib package
  • Add LinearAlgebra abstract class for BLAS engine switch
  • Add render2d module
  • Format NDArray iter behaviours and add nditer class
  • Update MDFS data reading function for string station ID
  • Update FlatLaf to version 3.4
  • Update jackson to version 2.15.1
  • Some other bugs fixed


04 Sep 01:41
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  • Support CMA Radar base standard data with ppi, cappi, cr and 3d grid interpolation
  • Add append, insert, delete functions
  • Add stack, column_stack, row_stack functions
  • Add hypot, s_, index_exp functions
  • Add amx, amin functions
  • Add mgrid, gradient functions
  • Add cond function in linalg package
  • Add Wedge patch
  • Add compare functions for DataFrame
  • Add view function for 3d axes
  • Add contour3 plot function
  • Add 2D streamplot function in 3D axes
  • support drawing contours along the surface of the volume data in contourslice function
  • Update FlatLaf to version 3.2
  • Update JOGL to version 2.5.0
  • Update proj4j to version 1.3.0
  • Some other bugs fixed


02 Jun 06:15
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  • Add meshc and surfc plot functions
  • Add fill3 function
  • Add Arc patch
  • Add trisurf function and a simple wavefront object file loader function
  • Add odeint function
  • Add pinv function
  • Add multivariate_normal function
  • Add isscalar function in numeric module
  • Add airy function
  • Add polygonindex function
  • Add jenks nature breaks module
  • Add enum package
  • Add MultiIndex class in DataFrame package
  • Add field of view parameter in 3D axes for perspective projection
  • Add reindex method in DataFrame class
  • update netcdfAll to version 5.5.4-SNAPSHOT to support Grib2 template 4.60
  • Update hist function to support multiple arrays
  • Update FlatLaf to version 3.1.1
  • Update JOGL to version 2.4.0
  • Update rsyntaxtextarea to version 3.3.2
  • Some other bugs fixed


26 Dec 12:32
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  • Add LineRender and PipeRender to plot 3D lines with VBO
  • Add QuiverRender to plot 3D quivers with VBO
  • Add imageio-jpeg 3.9.4 to support JPEG file with CMYK color profile
  • Add get_dbz function in wrf package
  • Add real and imag attributes in NDArray
  • Add conj and conjugate functions
  • Add material function for lighting setting
  • Add deg2rad and rad2deg functions
  • Add prod and cumprod functions
  • update isosurface function for smooth normal calculation and color array supported
  • Support multiple GL plots in a figure
  • Support China radar standard base data format
  • Support read_dataframe function for MICAPS 3 dataset
  • Support trajectory frequency data file for HYSPLITConcDataInfo readDataInfo function
  • Support MICAPS data files for addfile function
  • Support calibration table data in AWX data format
  • Update ejml to version 0.41.1
  • Update FlatLaf to version 3.0
  • Update commons-math to version 4.0-beta1
  • Update commons-number to version 1.1
  • Update commons-rng to version 1.5
  • Update commons-statistics to version 1.0
  • Update rsyntaxtextarea to version 3.3.1
  • Update proj4j to version 1.2.2
  • Update ojAlgo to version 51.4.1
  • Update jython to version 2.7.3
  • Bugfix for TextRender memory leak
  • Some other bugs fixed


12 Aug 15:54
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  • Add unsigned short and int arithmetic functions in ArrayMath class
  • Support drawing extra z axis in 3D axes
  • Add axes_zoom argument in axes3d function
  • Add status toolbar with run and memory progress bars in MeteoInfoLab GUI
  • Add popup menu to file dockable
  • Add labelshift argument in colorbar function
  • Add skew and kurtosis functions in stats module
  • Add fimplicit3 plot function
  • Add and, or, xor operations in Series class
  • Add replace function in DataFrame and Series classes
  • Improve drop function in DataFrame to support rows drop
  • Add fill plot function
  • Add multivariate_normal function
  • Add ColorTransferFunction class
  • Support vertical boxplot
  • Support MICAPS MDFS type 12 data file
  • Add MeshRender and SurfaceRender classes for vbo rendering
  • Update netcdf-java to version 5.5.3
  • Update FlatLaf to version 2.4
  • Update joml to version 1.10.4
  • Update rsyntaxtextarea to version 3.2.0
  • Update ojAlgo to version 51.3.0
  • Update l2fprod to version 6.9.1
  • Update jts to version 1.19.0
  • Update jython to version 2.7.3b1
  • Update Apache commons math to version 4.0-SNAPSHOT from 3.6.1
  • Some bug fixed


14 Feb 13:11
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  • Add earth sphere 3D axes
  • Add xyslice argument in slice3, contoursclice, contourfslice and streamslice functions
  • Support image texture rendering in surf function
  • Update volumeplot function with ray casting algorithms of basic, max_value and specular
  • Add sinh, cosh and tanh functions
  • improve meteolib functions
  • Improve image output functions with tif file support
  • Add GeoQ web tile maps
  • Add Yahei hybrid font
  • Support micaps data file with BOM using Apache commons io library
  • Update pro4j to 1.1.4
  • Update FlatLaf to version 2.0.1
  • Some bug fixed


15 Oct 16:10
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  • Update pro4j to 1.1.3
  • Update FlatLaf to version 1.6
  • Remove jchardet library
  • Add contourslice and contourfslice functions in 3D axes
  • Enable lighting to support double sides normal in 3D axes
  • Support 3D pipe line plot
  • Add vertex normal calculation functions
  • Support equal aspect in 3D axes
  • Add sphere and cylinder functions
  • Add MICAPS MDFS type 3 data support
  • Support unicode path of MeteoInfo
  • Add erf and erfc functions
  • Add arctan and arctan2 functions for numpy compatible
  • Add peaks function
  • Add patches package in plotlib
  • Add lines module and Line2D class
  • Add supxlabel and supylabel functions
  • Add copy and move functions in MILayer class
  • Support CAMx output nc data file
  • Some bug fixed


29 Jul 02:56
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Add 3d volume plot function - volumeplot

Update FlatLaf to version 1.4

Add fixed_point function in optimize sub-package

Add extract, mod, fmod, floor_divide, divmod, searchsorted functions

Update geotiff reading function to support bigtiff format

Support netcdf4 data writing of ncwrite function - c version netcdf4 lib should be installed

Using juniversalchardet library to detect file encoding

Add Rectangle linear and nearest interpolation functions

Some bug fixed


11 May 04:27
Choose a tag to compare
  • Code refactoring - split MeteoInfoLib to several modules: common, ndarray, geometry, table, ui, projection, math, image, dataframe, data, console, geo, chart, map, lab.
  • Using OpenBLAS to speed up scientific computation functions.
  • Add 3D streamline tracing functions.
  • Add Kriging interpolation algorithm.
  • Add 3D trajectory clustering function.
  • Add signal package and detrend function.
  • Add spatial package and pdist function.
  • Add tofile and fromfile functions.
  • Support MICAPS MDFS data file format.
  • Update contour and contourf functions to support 2d x/y coordinates.
  • Update FlatLaf to 1.1.2.
  • Update Proj4j to version 1.1.2.
  • Update NetCDF to version 5.4.1.
  • update itextpdf to version
  • Update guava to version 30.1.1
  • Some bug fixed.