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Categoricity of dlo
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metinersin committed Aug 11, 2024
1 parent b09c4ed commit 7204ee4
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Showing 28 changed files with 4,356 additions and 97 deletions.
118 changes: 114 additions & 4 deletions FormalTextbookModelTheory.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,114 @@
-- This module serves as the root of the `FormalTextbookModelTheory` library.
-- Import modules here that should be built as part of the library.
import FormalTextbookModelTheory.ForMathlib.DLO
import FormalTextbookModelTheory.Basic
import FormalTextbookModelTheory.ForMathlib2.Matrix
import FormalTextbookModelTheory.ForMathlib2.Cardinal
import FormalTextbookModelTheory.ForMathlib2.DLO

---region automatically create leanblueprint

import Lean.Elab.Print
import Mathlib.Lean.Expr.Basic
import Batteries.Tactic.PrintDependents

set_option linter.hashCommand false

open Lean Elab Command

abbrev excludedRootNames : NameSet := NameSet.empty
|>.insert `Init
|>.insert `Lean
|>.insert `Qq
|>.insert `ImportGraph
|>.insert `ProofWidgets
|>.insert `Std
|>.insert `Aesop
|>.insert `Batteries
|>.insert `Mathlib

def userDefinedModules : CommandElabM (Array Name) := do
let env ← getEnv
let allowedImports := env.allImportedModuleNames.filter (!excludedRootNames.contains ·.getRoot)
return allowedImports.qsort

def test_userDefinedModules : CommandElabM Unit := do
let modules ← userDefinedModules
logInfo modules.toList.toString

def moduleNameToFileName (moduleName : Name) : System.FilePath :=
System.FilePath.addExtension (System.mkFilePath $ moduleName.toString.splitOn ".") "lean"

def test_moduleNameToFileName : CommandElabM Unit := do
let modules ← userDefinedModules
let mut fnames := #[]
for module in modules do
fnames := fnames.push (moduleNameToFileName module)
logInfo fnames.toList.toString

def userDefinedDecls : CommandElabM (Array Name) := do
let env ← getEnv
let mut modIdx : HashSet Nat := .empty
let mut modsSeen : NameSet := .empty
let allowedImports ← userDefinedModules
for imp in allowedImports do
if let some nm := env.getModuleIdx? imp then
modIdx := modIdx.insert nm
modsSeen := modsSeen.insert imp
let consts := env.constants
let newDeclNames := consts.fold (init := ({} : NameSet)) fun a b _c =>
match env.getModuleIdxFor? b with
| none => a
| some idx => if modIdx.contains idx then a.insert b else a
let mut newDeclNamesFiltered := #[]
for decl in newDeclNames do
if decl.isAnonymous then
if decl.isNum then
if decl.isAuxLemma then
if decl.isInternal then
if decl.isInternalDetail then
if decl.isImplementationDetail then
if decl.isInaccessibleUserName then
newDeclNamesFiltered := newDeclNamesFiltered.push decl
return newDeclNamesFiltered.qsort

def test_userDefinedDecls : CommandElabM Unit := do
let decls ← userDefinedDecls
logInfo decls.size.repr
logInfo decls.toList.toString

def getDocstring (decl : Name) : CoreM (Option String) := do
return ← findDocString? (← getEnv) decl

def test_getDocstring : CoreM Unit := do
let doc ← getDocstring `FirstOrder.Language.Order.DLO.aleph0_categorical_of_dlo
IO.println doc

/-- extracts the names of the declarations in `env` on which `decl` depends. -/
-- source:
def getVisited (env : Environment) (decl : Name) :=
let (_, { visited, .. }) := Elab.Command.CollectAxioms.collect decl |>.run env |>.run {}

def getDependencies (decl : Name) : CommandElabM (Array Name) := do
let env ← getEnv
let visited := (getVisited env decl).toArray
let decls ← userDefinedDecls
let visited := visited.filter $ fun name => name ∈ decls ∧ name ≠ decl
return visited

#eval test_userDefinedModules
#eval test_moduleNameToFileName
#eval test_userDefinedDecls
#eval test_getDocstring
#eval (getDependencies `FirstOrder.Language.Order.orderStructure_of_LE)

25 changes: 20 additions & 5 deletions FormalTextbookModelTheory/ForMathlib/DLO.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,19 +3,34 @@ import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Basic
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Syntax
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Semantics
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Satisfiability
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Bundled
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Order
import Mathlib.Order.CountableDenseLinearOrder
import FormalTextbookModelTheory.ForMathlib.Order

open Cardinal
open FirstOrder
open Language
open Order

universe u v w
namespace FirstOrder.Language.Order

notation "L≤" => Language.order
-- def to_Lle_homomorphism {M N : Type w} [L≤.Structure M] [L≤.Structure N] (f : M →o N) : M →[L≤] N :=
-- by sorry

theorem aleph0_categorical_of_dlo : aleph0.Categorical L≤.dlo := by
unfold Categorical
rintro ⟨M⟩ ⟨N⟩ hM hN
simp only at *

have instLinearOrderM : LinearOrder M := by exact inst_LinearOrder_of_dlo L≤
have instLinearOrderN : LinearOrder N := by exact inst_LinearOrder_of_dlo L≤
have instDensolyOrderedM : @DenselyOrdered M (inst_Preorder_of_dlo L≤).toLT := by
exact inst_DenselyOrdered_of_dlo L≤


#check aleph0_categorical_of_dlo
#check iso_of_countable_dense

-- Here, we will put definitions and theorems about the theory
-- of dense linear orders without endpoints.
end FirstOrder.Language.Order
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions FormalTextbookModelTheory/ForMathlib/Language.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.Basic
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Basic
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Satisfiability
import Mathlib.ModelTheory.Order

universe u v w

open Cardinal
open FirstOrder Language Structure

namespace FirstOrder.Language

class IsRelational₂ (L : Language.{u, v}) extends IsRelational L : Prop where
only_rel₂ : ∀ {n}, n ≠ 2 → IsEmpty (L.Relations n)

namespace Structure --region Structure

variable {L : Language.{u, v}} {M : Type w}

section Relational

lemma funMap_eq_funMap_of_relational [IsRelational L] (𝓜₁ 𝓜₂ : L.Structure M)
: @funMap L M 𝓜₁ = @funMap L M 𝓜₂ := by
rw [Subsingleton.elim (@funMap L M 𝓜₁) (@funMap L M 𝓜₂)]

lemma funMap_eq_funMap_of_relational' [IsRelational L] (𝓜₁ 𝓜₂ : L.Structure M)
{n} (nFun : L.Functions n) (x : Fin n → M)
: 𝓜₁.funMap nFun x = 𝓜₂.funMap nFun x := by
rw [Subsingleton.elim (𝓜₁.funMap) (𝓜₂.funMap)]

lemma structure_eq_structure_of_relational [IsRelational L]
{𝓜₁ 𝓜₂ : L.Structure M} (h : @RelMap L M 𝓜₁ = @RelMap L M 𝓜₂) : 𝓜₁ = 𝓜₂ := by
· apply funMap_eq_funMap_of_relational
· apply h

lemma structure_eq_of_structure_of_relational_iff [IsRelational L]
{𝓜₁ 𝓜₂: L.Structure M} : 𝓜₁ = 𝓜₂ ↔ @RelMap L M 𝓜₁ = @RelMap L M 𝓜₂ := by
constructor <;> intro h
· simp only [h, implies_true]
· ext1; exact h

lemma structure_eq_of_structure_of_relational_iff' [IsRelational L]
{𝓜₁ 𝓜₂: L.Structure M} : 𝓜₁ = 𝓜₂ ↔ ∀ {n} r x, @RelMap L M 𝓜₁ n r x = @RelMap L M 𝓜₂ n r x := by
constructor <;> intro h
· simp only [h, implies_true]
· ext1; funext n r x; exact h r x

end Relational

section Relational₂

lemma RelMap_eq_RelMap_of_relational₂ [IsRelational₂ L] (𝓜₁ 𝓜₂ : L.Structure M)
{n} (hn : n ≠ 2) : @RelMap L M 𝓜₁ n = @RelMap L M 𝓜₂ n := by
have : IsEmpty (L.Relations n) := by exact IsRelational₂.only_rel₂ hn
rw [Subsingleton.elim (@RelMap L M 𝓜₁ n) (@RelMap L M 𝓜₂ n)]

lemma RelMap_eq_RelMap_of_relational₂' [IsRelational₂ L] (𝓜₁ 𝓜₂ : L.Structure M)
{n} (hn : n ≠ 2) (nRel : L.Relations n) (x : Fin n → M) :
𝓜₁.RelMap nRel x ↔ 𝓜₂.RelMap nRel x := by
have : IsEmpty (L.Relations n) := by exact IsRelational₂.only_rel₂ hn
rw [Subsingleton.elim (𝓜₁.RelMap) (𝓜₂.RelMap)]

lemma structure_eq_structure_of_relational₂ [IsRelational₂ L]
{𝓜₁ 𝓜₂ : L.Structure M}
(h : @RelMap L M 𝓜₁ 2 = @RelMap L M 𝓜₂ 2) : 𝓜₁ = 𝓜₂ := by
funext n
by_cases h' : n = 2
· subst h'
exact h
· apply RelMap_eq_RelMap_of_relational₂
exact h'

lemma structure_eq_of_structure_of_relational₂_iff [IsRelational₂ L]
{𝓜₁ 𝓜₂ : L.Structure M} : 𝓜₁ = 𝓜₂ ↔ @RelMap L M 𝓜₁ 2 = @RelMap L M 𝓜₂ 2 := by
constructor <;> intro h
· simp only [h, implies_true]
· ext1; exact h

end Relational₂

end Structure --end

end FirstOrder.Language
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions FormalTextbookModelTheory/ForMathlib/Matrix.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import Mathlib.Data.Fin.VecNotation
import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Fin

namespace Matrix

variable {α : Type*}

lemma Vector_eq_VecNotation₂ (v : Fin 2 → α) : v = ![v 0, v 1] := by
simp only [vecCons]
induction (‹_› : Fin _ → α) using Fin.consCases
simp only [Fin.cons_eq_cons]
induction (‹_› : Fin _ → α) using Fin.consCases
simp only [Fin.cons_eq_cons]
simp only [Fin.cons_zero, Fin.cons_one, true_and]
apply (by infer_instance : Subsingleton (Fin 0 → α)).allEq

end Matrix

lemma Vector_eq_VecNotation (v : Fin 2 → α) : v = ![v 0, v 1] := by
simp only [vecCons]
repeat induction (‹_› : Fin _ → α) using Fin.consCases; simp only [Fin.cons_eq_cons]
simp [Fin.cons_zero, Fin.cons_one]
apply (by infer_instance : Subsingleton (Fin 0 → α)).allEq

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