Build a service that acts as a HTTP Proxy for a redis instance - - > redis-service
Build a simple app that make use of the redis-service - - > url-shortener
redis-service @kitz99
A simple REST API built to establish communication between client & Redis instance over HTTP protocol
App has 4 endpoints:
- POST /set-key
- GET /get-key/
- GET /ping
- DELETE /delete-keys?keys=k1&keys=k2
Find here more details about using the API.
url-shortener @ionutvilie
root path (not in the scope):
- register http file server with a static index.html page
- html uses js + axios to communicate with the shortener path
shortener path:
- requestor sends long URL to the service
- url it is hashed with adler32 checksum algorithm
- hash and url are sent to the storage service as key - value
- short URL is sent to to requestor
redirect path
- key is received by the redirect handler
- storage service is contacted with the key in order to get the original URL
- user is redirected to the original URL
- metrics instrumentation with
- Go Lang
- Text editor: recommended vscode
- If you choose to use vscode, the recommendation is to install
- AtomKeyMap
- Bracket Pair Colorizer
- Go
- A running instance of Redis server version 4.0 or Docker.
Please install this prerequisites on your machines before the workshop to be sure everything will work fine.