e8d1d49 Merge pull request #15 from metrumresearchgroup/develop
8718509 Merge pull request #14 from metrumresearchgroup/feature/additional_tags_for_run_state
c1e24b4 feature: adding error state evaluation to facilitate easier dashboarding
0440279 Merge pull request #13 from metrumresearchgroup/feature/additional_tags_for_run_state
5abd15f feature: Adding discrete state value to job related metrics
3a6d42d Merge pull request #12 from metrumresearchgroup/feature/ldflag_versioning
51c2d7b ci: Updating drone to always test
0e4171b feature: adding version command and injecting at build-time from goreleaser
5a4c6ca Merge pull request #10 from metrumresearchgroup/feature/init_d_service
8e9d935 Updates to gitignore
08ccc0c Removing github and adding drone in
0f42801 Finally got deployment based on config to work
06be9f3 Updating both scripts to use the config file
c88e472 Moving towards processing config file and cleaning up deploy scripts
7b92e6e Breaking out namespaces and separating functions for testability
04bea1c Updating with deps for viper
9b44b33 Removing main and moving tests to purely cmd tests
0395dd3 Updating scripts. Sane installer and setup
df17bf7 Merge pull request #9 from metrumresearchgroup/hosts_and_queues
d5cf42d Merge branch 'master' into hosts_and_queues
338f5c2 Updating mod deps
c401c48 Merge pull request #8 from metrumresearchgroup/tasks
33b275b Removing actions
9a80fd7 Updating with drone configs
7ab6428 Updating to use tasks component of master branch of gogridengine
6aad879 Updating to fix overrun from medium sample size in unconsumed collector channel
757d82d Updating collector to support splitting of queue and hostname for queue list entries. Forced pending value for items not assigned to a host or queue yet
a74d534 Merge pull request #3 from dohnto/td-fixed-memory-units
a8b2784 Fixed grafana memory units
6f24848 Updating to use the gridengine library that has task extrapolation for both ranges and groups
bc64a91 updating hostname collection
45b676b Implementing tasks from the bottom level and adding them to the exporter as optional last labels
ed14702 Merge pull request #1 from dohnto/fix-logging-errors
b53ee23 Fix error logging format