GlassHome is a Google Glass glassware application that allows you to control Home Assistant from your Google Glass. It is built on top of the built in Home Assistant "Assistant" API (the useful, non LLM one). You can send commands to it via your voice to control your smart home devices.
Sadly Google killed the Glass project and Google Glass users are on their own. if you do not understand the following instructions, you might want to consider not using Google Glass and hope for a better future.
- Install the APK from the releases page using ADB
- "Okay Glass, control my home" to start the app
- Say some command, it will fail because you need to configure the app
- "Okay Glass, Help me sign in", you will now see a QR code scanner
- Generate a long lived access token from Home Assistant. Generate a QR code at and scan it
- You are now signed in and can control your devices using "Okay Glass, control my home"
Google Glass might be considered retro technology at this point, and the OS certainly is. However no hardware produced at this scale ever matched the capabilities of Google Glass. Personally I am passionate about retro technology and a bit futuristic, so I have been working some ideas for Glasswares that I would love to use it on a daily basis.
I tested this on the Google Glass Explorer Edition with the latest XE24 firmware. I do not have access to the Enterprise Edition, but I do accept hardware donations.
Well Java is my """"""""""favorite"""""""""" language! That is strong sarcasm, I do not like Java at all. This project is a combination of several digital archeology relics... Which is more for fun than a serious project. Not like anyone is a professional Glassware developer in 2024.