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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 23, 2018. It is now read-only.


Sean edited this page Sep 6, 2018 · 1 revision


MVP (1.0)

  • As a user, I want to keep track of the games, films and shows I have consumed.
    • Fields (for each Entry)
      • Progress (or length, data/api permitting)
      • Start date, end date
        • Technical note: partial dates would be nice (e.g. April 2018) for if can’t remember. Could use ISO 8601 date strings for this, but haven’t looked into compatibility of date pickers/inputs.
      • Rating (10 point scale, no decimals)
      • Last updated (automatic)
      • Tags (can have multiple)
      • Categories (can only have one)
        • Default categories
          • Current
          • Finished
          • Want to
          • Dropped
          • On Hold
        • Can associate category with colour (e.g. completed = green)
      • Notes
    • Sortable
    • Filterable
    • Table View (Grid View is not MVP)
    • Can make multiple lists (but can’t mix media types in one list to minimise complexity)
    • Can have multiple Entries for same media, and these can also be on same list
      • E.g. I watched this tv show last year. I also rewatched it this year. I can put two separate entries for this on the same list.
      • Entries are per list. E.g. to put same show on two different lists, two different entries are made.
        • (to avoid possible complexity of being able to share entries between lists)
    • Batch editable
    • Can hide certain fields
      • Configurable per list.
      • E.g. start/end dates are irrelevant for things you haven’t started yet.
  • As a user, I want to see details of games, films and shows.
    • Fields
      • average score
      • popularity
      • genres
      • Publisher
      • Cast/Staff
      • Length (data/api permitting)
      • Related media (data/api permitting)
      • Etc. (depends on data/api)
    • Can add an entry to list/modify entry details from this page (Entries component)
  • User accounts
    • Fields
      • ID (not public, server side only. All other fields are mutable besides this.)
      • Avatar
      • Display name
      • Email
  • Dashboard (Home Page)
    • Customisable (e.g. show this category from this list)
    • Components
      • Entries (same component used on media page)
    • Default
      • Shows “In Progress” category from the default lists.
  • Simple Search (title only)
    • Paginated search page
  • Works on desktop + mobile


  • Granular data (“Updates”)
    • Store “updates” to entries e.g. know what day they watched episody .
    • (This could also work as a timeline/feed).
  • Analytics
    • Basic stats
      • Distribution of consumption by medium, genre, etc. (multiple grouping options)
        • E.g. 25% romance
        • E.g. have watched x horror movies
    • Detailed stats (relies on “updates”)
      • e.g. graphs showing how many episodes you’ve watched in last x days
      • e.g. average media consumption per week, etc.)
  • Installable Windows PWA
    • Desktop tracking of games
  • Installable Android PWA
  • Recommendations
  • Nice user profile
    • Favourites
    • Stats overview
    • Recent Updates
  • Privacy options for profile and lists
    • Private
    • Public
    • Only friends
  • Grid view for list
  • Copying entries (to a different list)
  • Viewing list, analytics works offline
    • Can view lists and make changes to them offline and have them sync. E.g. increment episodes by 1 when offline and change is synced.
  • Search autocomplete
  • Complex search
    • Fuzzy
    • Filters
  • Light/dark mode toggle
  • Column view for list
    • Categories = columns, can drag and drop between.


  • Badges
    • E.g. you’ve watched 1000 hours of tv
  • Sitewide analytics e.g. Top media, top horror film, etc.
  • Reviews
    • Users can mark as helpful, not helpful, funny
  • Let users post related media
    • E.g. Screenshots, fanart
  • Notifications e.g. notify when a sequel has been added
  • Cast, publisher, etc. pages
  • A/B tests
  • Social features e.g. friends
  • Game DLC support
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