Name: MG Baybay
Activity Deadline: 09/16/2021 | 3:48 PM (Updated: 09/17/2021)
- Design file is attached below.
- Live demo - link
Pokedex Application created for front-end development using the existing PokeAPI.
- CSS3 (Bootstrap)
- Javascript
- Main Page web view - link
- Main Page
- Search
- Pokemon List - The pokemon cards are color-coded according to their types.
- Fire: '#FDDFDF',
- Grass: '#DEFDE0',
- Electric: '#FCF7DE',
- Water: '#DEF3FD',
- Ground: '#f4E7DA',
- Rock: '#D5D5D4',
- Fairy: '#FCEAFF',
- Poison: '#98D7A5',
- Bug: '#F8D5A3',
- Dragon: '#97B3E6',
- Psychic: '#EAEDA1',
- Flying: '#F5F5F5',
- Fighting: '#E6E0D4',
- Normal: '#F5F5F5'
The web app shows the list of pokemon and their corresponding details.