[comment]: # ( Copyright Contributors to the Open Cluster Management project )Table of Contents
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- Go 1.17
- The project tries to follow the following grammar for the commands:
clusteradm <cmd> [subcmd] [flags]
- Each cmd/subcmd are in a package, the code is split in 3 files: The cmd.go which creates the cobra command, the options.go which defines the different option parameters for the command and the the exec.go which contains the code to execute the command.
- Each command must support the flag
. - The command uses klog V2 as logging package. All messages must be using
, in rare exceptionklog.Error
can be used.
- Some commands needs resources files, in the project uses the
Go 1.17
functionality to store the resources files. - Each command package contains its own resources in the scenario package. The scenario package contains one go file which provides the
- The main provides a cmdutil.Factory which can be leveraged to get different clients and also the *rest.Config. The factory can be passed to the cobra.Command and then save in the Options.
kubeClient, err := o.factory.KubernetesClientSet()
config, err := f.ToRESTConfig()
- If the unit test needs files to be executed, these files are stored under the pair
. A total coverage is shown when runningmake test
. For the time being, thecmd.go
are excluded from the total coverage. - The
make test
is part of the PR acceptance and it is launched by PROW.
- The project use
make test-e2e
to run e2e tests, this will deploy kind cluster and run a set of tests for clusteradm commands. A prerequisite is that Docker is already running. - We have a README indicating the way to write e2e tests.
- The
make test-e2e
is part of the PR acceptance and it is launched using git-actions.