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This small kotlin app controls multiple features in our house via KNX. For now, it:

  • Moves the jalousie up and down on sunrise/sunset
  • Switches day-night-mode on sunrise/sunset
  • Switches between heating-modes in the sunrise/sunset


Docker image

docker buildx build --no-cache --progress plain --tag `basename $PWD` --file Dockerfile .

Executable jar

./gradlew -Djdk.lang.Process.launchMechanism=vfork clean build -i --stacktrace



docker run mhert/house-knx-automation:latest

Executable jar

java -jar build/libs/house_knx_automation-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


You can control the app via environment variables or arguments.

Required config

env var argument used for
KNX_GATEWAY_ADDRESS --knxGatewayAddress Connection to KNX
KNX_GATEWAY_PORT --knxGatewayPort Connection to KNX
TIME_ZONE --timeZone Calculation of sunset/sunrise time / Set heating mode
LOCATION_LAT --locationLat Calculation of sunset/sunrise time
LOCATION_LON --locationLon Calculation of sunset/sunrise time
MORNING_TIME --morningTime Set heating mode
EVENING_TIME --eveningTime Set heating mode
ALL_JALOUSIE_CONTROL_GROUP_ADDRESS --allJalousieControlGroupAddress Move up/down jalousie automatically
ALL_JALOUSIE_EXCEPT_BEDROOMS_CONTROL_GROUP_ADDRESS --allJalousieExceptBedroomsControlGroupAddress Move up/down jalousie automatically
DAY_NIGHT_MODE_CONTROL_GROUP_ADDRESS --dayNightModeControlGroupAddress Switch day-night-mode automatically
HEATING_MODE_CONTROL_GROUP_ADDRESS --heatingModeControlGroupAddress Switch heating comfort-night-mode automatically

Optional config

env var argument used for
DRY_RUN --dryRun If set, no events will be emitted
OFFSET_BEFORE_SUNRISE_IN_SECONDS --offsetBeforeSunriseInSeconds Will be subtracted from sunrise time
OFFSET_AFTER_SUNRISE_IN_SECONDS --offsetAfterSunriseInSeconds Will be added to sunrise time
OFFSET_BEFORE_SUNSET_IN_SECONDS --offsetBeforeSunsetInSeconds Will be subtracted from sunset time
OFFSET_AFTER_SUNSET_IN_SECONDS --offsetAfterSunsetInSeconds Will be subtracted from sunset time
SUNRISE_EARLIEST --sunriseEarliest Set earliest time, sunrise actions will be triggered
SUNRISE_LATEST --sunriseLatest Set latest time, sunrise actions will be triggered
SUNSET_EARLIEST --sunsetEarliest Set earliest time, sunset action will be triggered
SUNSET_LATEST --sunsetLatest Set latest time, sunset action will be triggered