Created by Miguel Ángel Fernández Gutiérrez (
A simple API to translate sentences into pictograms.
This is a more advanced version of my previous PictoMaker.
This is a simple API that provides two capabilities:
- A tokenizer that syntactically analizes a sentence and lemmatizes its componentes using Natural Language Processing.
- A generator, that generates a PNG image or ZIP file composed of pictograms.
Learning through pictograms is an essential tool for children with special educational needs, as well as crutial for elder people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. I developed PictoMaker to make it easy for people to communicate using the power of images.
PictoMaker leverages the power of AI to lemmatize the different words you input (getting the basic form of the word) to search for the images, as well as it uses it to construct a syntactical analysis tree and allow people (and especially children) to better distinguish between words.
All pictograms used by PictoMaker are property of ARASAAC, from the Aragonese Center of Augmentive and Alternative Communication (Spain).
This API extensively uses ARASAAC's API.
This API has been used:
- In this Cisco WebEx bot developed for Cisco Incubator Program 9.0.
You can deploy this API anywhere you like, because it's containerized with Docker. Some commands to get you started on a local development environment:
- Make sure you can use
. - Create the container with
docker compose up --build
. - Use Docker whenever you want to restart the process!