A simple tool to help stock investors to understand their portfolio status.
Require: upload your stock portfoil in a csv format (template available to download).
Current Earning: Gains from selling the stock - Spend from buying the stock
- Definination: from your bank account point, how much you have gained/loss currently?
- if you still hold a large amoun of shares, this number can be negative
- Pros:
- when this number of negative, it shows how much value your remaining shares need to have to break even
- when this number is positive: it shows you already making money
- this also shows how much "cash" you have in each stock (negative)
Total Earning: Current Earning + Values of holding shares (at today's price)
- Defintion: your revenue (including the value of your stocks)
- this has a big "IF" on two thing (1) market price today (2) if you sell them right now
- Pros: this shows the total "values" you gains from investing in your stock