- adminEmail: noor@gmail.com
- password: admin123
- Programming Language: TypeScript
- Web Framework: Express.js
- Database MongoDB
- ODM Library: Mongoose
- Validation: Zod Validation
- Others NPM Package: bcryptjs, cors, dotenv, http-status, jsonwebtoken
- Authentication & Authorization: By using jwt access token we make sure to secure authentication and authorization. We have two different roll in our system. We make sure that each role accesses only their authorized route.
- Service: We can create, get, update and delete services. but only accessible by the admin.
- Slot Only the admin can create slots. Admin and users can both get all available slots
- Booking: Only user can create booking. admin can get all the bookings and user can only get their booking.
Step-1: Clone the following github repository into the local folder.
Step-2: We need to install the node_modules and also the others essential packages .
npm i
Step-3: Then we need to set our environment variables, for this we need to create a file .env
in the root directory.
Step-4: We are ready to run this application locally, just run the below command and the application will start running.
npm run start:dev