Site that teaches you how to play Blackjack by showing you the user and dealer odds of busting and showing the recommended play based off the mathematical odds.
My brother and I are big fans of Blackjack. However, we noticed that a lot of players at a casino do not know when they should hit/stay and often play based off their "gut feeling" which decreases their odds of winning. By playing by the "book" and always making moves based off math, you are much more likely to win in the long run. By seeing the odds of the dealer/user busting for each hand, with practice, users will know when they should hit/stay and be more successful when they play Blackjack.
- Ruby - version 2.6.1
- Rails - version 6.0.3
- Bcrypt - version 3.1.7
- JavaScript (ES6)
- CSS3
- React.js - version 16.13.1
- React-DOM - version 16.13.1
- React-Router-DOM - version 5.2.0
- React-Scripts - version 3.4.3
- React-Bootstrap - version 1.3.0
For the Backend:
- Clone the GitHub Repository locally to your computer
- In the command line, navigate to the root directory of the repository, and enter the following: $ bundle install
- Next, enter the following: $ rails db:migrate
- Next, enter the following: $ rails db:seed
- Finally, start the server by entering: $ rails s
For the Frontend:
- Clone the GitHub repository locally to your computer
- In the command line, navigate to the root directory of the repository, and enter the following: $ npm install
- Then, enter the following: $ npm start
- Full stack web application utilizing React on the frontend and Rails on the backend
- Users can create account through the application
- Users can increase/decrease their bet amount
- Users can view the recommended action as well as the user/dealer odds of busting each hand
- Users can hit, stay or double
Project is completed with the option to expand functionality and DRY out code.
Created by Colin Mosley and Micah Mosley. Please contact one of us if you have any questions.