Site that allows you to choose a roster of pokemon, assign strength levels to those pokemon, and battle other trainers.
For most millennials pokemon was a childhood phenomenon that continues to have a lasting cultural impact into adulthood. We wanted to pay homage to the original pokemon video games and create a simple game that allows the user to choose pokemon and battle with them.
- Ruby - version 2.6.1
- Rails - version 6.0.3
- ActiveRecord - version 6.0
- SQLite3 - version 1.4
- JavaScript (ES6)
- CSS3
- Clone the GitHub Repository locally to your computer
- In the command line, navigate to the root directory of the repository, and enter the following: $ bundle install
- In the command line, enter the following: $ rails db:migrate
- In the command line, enter the following: $ rails db:seed
- Start the server by entering: $ rails s
- Open a second terminal window and navigate to the 'app' folder by entering: $ cd app
- Navigate to the 'assets' folder by entering: $ cd assets
- Start the game by entering: $ open index.html
- Full stack web application utilizing Javascript on the frontend and Rails on the backend
- Users can select a roster of pokemon
- Users can select a strength level for each pokemon
- Users can select a trainer to battle against
- Users can select various attacks in battle that do varying amounts of damage
Project is completed with the option to expand functionality and DRY out code.
Created by Micah Mosley and Tim Rinkerman. Please contact one of us if you have any questions.