- [SQLite3] - SQLite for Transactional and Log Data
- [MongoDB] - MongoDB for dealing with unstructured data
- [Neo4J] - Neo4J for handling user data that has child-parent relationship
- SQLite3 is automatic
- MongoDB
- put 'data generator/products-with-price.json' to MongoDBCompass
- start MongoDB services
- Neo4J
- Start Neo4J services
- go to localhost:7474
- Put 'data generator/neo4j query.txt' query block by block separated by enter
- Main Program
- Change the Neo4J credential in .env
- Install python-dotenv
pip install python-dotenv
- In CLI
python flaskapp.py
- Enjoy
- SQLite3 Data is generated by code
- Product data and its detail is scraped from [https:dekoruma.com][PlDb]
- User data is queries generated by code with faker library
- SQLite3 data in 'session_database.db'
- MongoDB data in 'data generator/products-with-price.json'
- Neo4J data in 'data generator/neo4j query.txt'
- 'data generator' folder contains data and how to generate them
- 'static' folder contains static files
- 'templates' contains HTML Templates
- .env contains credential for Neo4J