Release Date: July 2019
The product formatter project contains libraries and tools for working with the ESPA internal file format (raw binary with an XML metadata file). It currently supports Landsat 4-8.
This project is unsupported software provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Land Satellite Data Systems (LSDS) Project. For questions regarding products produced by this source code, please contact us at
This software is preliminary or provisional and is subject to revision. It is being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The software has not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). No warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. The software is provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the software.
espa-product-formatter source code
git clone
See git tag [version_1.18.0]
- GCTP libraries (obtained from the GCTP directory in the HDF-EOS2 source code)
- TIFF libraries (3.8.2 or most current) --
- GeoTIFF libraries (1.2.5 or most current) --
- HDF4 libraries (4.2.5 or most current) --
- HDF5 libraries (1.8.13 or most current) --
- HDF-EOS2 libraries (2.18 or most current) --
- HDF-EOS5 libraries (1.16 or most current) --
- NetCDF libraries (4.1.1 or most current) --
- CURL libraries (7.48.0 or most current) --
- IDN libraries (1.32 or most current) --
- JPEG libraries (version 6b) --
- ZLIB libraries (version 1.2.8) --
- XML2 libraries --
- JBIG libraries --
- LZMA libraries --
- SZIP libraries --
- Openjpeg libraries and tools --
- Land/water static polygon --
NOTE: The HDF-EOS2 link currently provides the source for the HDF4, JPEG, and ZLIB libraries in addition to the HDF-EOS2 library.
- Install dependent libraries. Many of these come standard with the Linux distribution.
- Add the location of the opj_decompress (from openjpeg) tool to the PATH.
- Set up environment variables. Can create an environment shell file or add the following to your bash shell. For C shell, use 'setenv VAR "directory"'. Note: If the HDF library was configured and built with szip support, then the user will also need to add an environment variable for SZIP include (SZIPINC) and library (SZIPLIB) files.
export HDFEOS_GCTPINC="path_to_HDF-EOS_GCTP_include_files"
export HDFEOS_GCTPLIB="path_to_HDF-EOS_GCTP_libraries"
export TIFFINC="path_to_TIFF_include_files"
export TIFFLIB="path_to_TIFF_libraries"
export GEOTIFF_INC="path_to_GEOTIFF_include_files"
export GEOTIFF_LIB="path_to_GEOTIFF_libraries"
export HDFINC="path_to_HDF4_include_files"
export HDFLIB="path_to_HDF4_libraries"
export HDF5INC="path_to_HDF5_include_files"
export HDF5LIB="path_to_HDF5_libraries"
export HDFEOS_INC="path_to_HDFEOS2_include_files"
export HDFEOS_LIB="path_to_HDFEOS2_libraries"
export HDFEOS5_LIB="path_to_HDFEOS5_libraries"
export HDFEOS5_INC="path_to_HDFEOS5_include_files"
export NCDF4INC="path_to_NETCDF_include_files"
export NCDF4LIB="path_to_NETCDF_libraries"
export JPEGINC="path_to_JPEG_include_files"
export JPEGLIB="path_to_JPEG_libraries"
export XML2INC="path_to_XML2_include_files"
export XML2LIB="path_to_XML2_libraries"
export JBIGINC="path_to_JBIG_include_files"
export JBIGLIB="path_to_JBIG_libraries"
export ZLIBINC="path_to_ZLIB_include_files"
export ZLIBLIB="path_to_ZLIB_libraries"
export SZIPINC="path_to_SZIP_include_files"
export SZIPLIB="path_to_SZIP_libraries"
export CURLINC="path_to_CURL_include_files"
export CURLLIB="path_to_CURL_libraries"
export LZMAINC="path_to_LZMA_include_files"
export LZMALIB="path_to_LZMA_libraries"
export IDNINC="path_to_IDN_include_files"
export IDNLIB="path_to_IDN_libraries"
export ESPAINC="path_to_format_converter_raw_binary_include_directory"
export ESPALIB="path_to_format_converter_raw_binary_lib_directory"
Define $PREFIX to point to the directory in which you want the executables, static data, etc. to be installed.
export PREFIX="path_to_directory_for_format_converter_build_data"
- Download the static land/water polygon from Unzip the file into $PREFIX/static_data. Define the ESPA_LAND_MASS_POLYGON environment variable to point to the $PREFIX/static_data/land_no_buf.ply file in order to run the land/water mask code.
export ESPA_LAND_MASS_POLYGON=$PREFIX/static_data/land_no_buf.ply
Install ESPA product formatter libraries and tools by downloading the source from Downloads above. Goto the src/raw_binary directory and build the source code there. ESPAINC and ESPALIB above refer to the include and lib directories created by building this source code using make followed by make install. The ESPA raw binary conversion tools will be located in the $PREFIX/bin directory.
Note: if the HDF library was configured and built with szip support, then the user will also need to add "-L$(SZIPLIB) -lsz" at the end of the library defines in the Makefiles. The user should also add "-I$(SZIPINC)" to the include directory defines in the Makefile.
Note: on some platforms, the JBIG library may be needed for the XML library support, if it isn't already installed. If so, then the JBIGLIB environment variable needs to point to the location of the JBIG library.
The following is an example of how to link these libraries into your source code. Depending on your needs, some of these libraries may not be needed for your application or other espa product formatter libraries may need to be added.
-L$(ESPALIB) -l_espa_format_conversion -l_espa_raw_binary -l_espa_common \
-L$(XML2LIB) -lxml2 \
-L$(HDFEOS_LIB) -lhdfeos -L$(HDFEOS_GCTPLIB) -lGctp \
-L$(HDFLIB) -lmfhdf -ldf -L$(JPEGLIB) -ljpeg -L$(JBIGLIB) -ljbig \
-L$(ZLIBLIB) -lz \
-L$(LZMALIB) -llzma -lm
-L$(ESPALIB) -l_espa_format_conversion -l_espa_raw_binary -l_espa_common \
-L$(XML2LIB) -lxml2 \
-L$(HDFEOS5_LIB) -lhe5_hdfeos -lGctp \
-L$(HDF5LIB) -lhdf5 -lhdf5_hl \
-L$(ZLIBLIB) -lz \
-L$(LZMALIB) -llzma -lm
- Added support for Sentinel-2 Level-1C products.
- Added view angles (similar to the solar angles) to the schema and output XML file, in support of the Sentinel-2 products.
- Fixed a bug when using strdup to copy the HDF5 VIIRS filename to the output XML filename, then blowing past the memory by changing the .h5 file extension to .xml.
- Fixed a bug in the MODIS support of obtaining the tile number from the file name to populate the htile, vtile in the global XML file.
- Modified the angle band routines to detect if the angle bands have been previously generated. If so, then the bands are not regenerated. This is a fix for calling LaSRC followed by LaORCA and having two different listings of the angle bands in the XML file. When converting the ESPA format to another format, both listings will attempt to be converted. The second listing could fail if remove source files is used for the conversion because the files are removed after converting the first listing.