This repository contains an "index" file that can be used to process the raw MD&A data parsed using this code, which is a fork/update of this repo. After following the instructions below, you can have your own panel database of public firm MD&A text.
As an example of how this data can be used, Ewens, Peters and Wang (2024) searched all the MD&A sections for references to personnel or human capital risk (following Eisfeldt and Papanikolaou, 2013) to sort public firms and compare their organizational capital stocks:
If you don't want to run the scraper code yourself (this or this)-- it takes days -- then you can follow the instructions below to get the raw MD&A data gathered for Ewens, Peters and Wang (2023). The basic idea is to have the local, already-scraped MD&A sections as text files and grab the ones that you need using the index file and your programming language of choice. The resulting data will be (File,CompanyName,CIK,SIC,ReportDate,Section,Extracted_info)
Note that this repository does not actually have the txt
files of MD&A text. See the instructions below for the temporary solution to that problem.
Please cite Ewens, Peters and Wang (2023) work "Measuring Intangible Capital with Market Prices" if you use the data, Berns, Bick, Flugum and Houston if you use the scraper and make sure to check the license rules for either.
- load the txt index file. This file is a simple list of the file names of MD&A text from the original download. Note that you could probably just get the full set of statements, save the output of
or similar to a variable and loop over the files. - the column
is a mapping to the raw text files associated with the 10-K scrape. So for row 6 in that file, the respective txt file is119173.txt
- download the txt files from here (they are too big for Github). For space reasons, the files were split into folders. They will have to be combined into one folder if the code below is to work.
- We ask that this data not be forwarded on to others. This ensures that everyone receives the latest version of the data that's available.
- use the Python script -- or your code of choice -- to loop through the text files and grab what you need. The text files have headers (unfortunately, sometimes more than one because data) like this:
CIK: 0001126956
SIC: 4924
FILE DATE: 20161115
So with the txt
file loaded, all the identifying information is available.
* Make sure that the folder of text files is somewhere
cd ~/Link/To/MDNA_text/
* Load the index (you have downloaded it already)
insheet using "mda_sections.csv", tab clear
** Filer == variable of interest!
* Now you have a list of file names associated with each row of interest
global importfolder "~/Link/To/MDNA_text/files"
global filelist : dir "$importfolder" *.txt
* Now we have the file list to do your magic on
* Regex to grab CIK / Date / etc (the Python code below has examples)
* You could import each filename in a loop and save as a variable...thay can get big VERY fast, so be careful
The original scraper has an "MDA Cleaner and Tone" script that can be modified to your liking. The main pieces are with open(download, 'r') as txtfile:
and the NEGATIVE
definitions. This repository also has the python script for Ewens, Peters and Wang (2024, citation below), which was interested in counts of words, rather than tone.
Here are the keywords that we searched for
sayings=["the following discussion","this discussion and analysis","should be read in conjunction", "should be read together with", "the following managements discussion and analysis"]
personnel = ["key personnel", "personnel","talented employee", "key talent"]
title={Measuring Intangible Capital with Market Prices },
author={Ewens, Michael and Peters, Ryan and Wang, Sean},
journal={Management Science}