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Bespoke ASM

This is a customizable byte code assembler that allows for the definition of custom instruction set architecture.

NOTE - This project should be considered to be in "beta" status. It should be stable, but features are subject to change.


To install, clone this repository and install using pip. Preferably, you have a python virtual environment set up and it has pipenv installed when you do this.

git clone
cd bespokeasm
pip install .

Once installed, assembly code can be compiled in this manner:

 bespokeasm compile -c isa-config.yaml awesome-code.asm

Note that supplying an instruction set configuration file is required via the -c option. The binary byte code image will be written to <asm-file-basename>.bin, though this can be changed with the -o option. Add --pretty-print to the command to get a human readable output.

Installing Systax Highlighting

Visual Studio Code

BespokeASM can generate a syntax highlighting extension for Visual Studio Code that will properly highlight the instruction mnemonics and other aspects of the assembly language configured in the instruction set architecture configuration file. To install:

bespokeasm generate-extension vscode -c isa-config.yaml

Sublime Text

BespokeASM can generate a syntax highlighting extension for Sublime Text that will properly highlight the instruction mnemonics and other aspects of the assembly language configured in the instruction set architecture configuration file. To generate the .sublime-package file:

bespokeasm generate-extension vscode -c isa-config.yaml -d /path/to/some/directory

Once generated, move the .sublime-package file to the Installed Packages directory of the Sublime Text application settings directory. On MacOS, this can be found at ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Installed Packages, and on Linux this is typically found at ~/.config/sublime-text/Installed\ Packages/. Of course, this directory can also be used for the -d option in the above command.


Documentation is available on the Bespoke ASM Wiki.


Contributions are welcome. All contributions should pass the configured linters. A pre-commit hook can be configured to lint all code at commit time. The configuration can be found in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file in this repository. To install:

cd /path/to/bespokeasm/repository
pipenv sync --dev
pre-commit install


Bespoke ASM is released under the GNU GPL v3 license.