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Here you can find all questions: HelloIn.IT
- 01-Describe the difference between a cookie, sessionStorage and localStorage in browsers
- 02-Explain event delegation in JavaScript
- 03-Explain how this works in JavaScript
- 04-Explain the concept of "hoisting" in JavaScript
- 05-What are JavaScript data types?
- 06-What is the difference between let, const, and var?
- 07-What is the event loop in JavaScript runtimes?
- 08-Describe the difference between <script>, <script async> and <script defer>
- 09-What is the difference between a JavaScript variable that is: null, undefined or undeclared?
- 10-What are the differences between JavaScript ES2015 classes and ES5 function constructors?
- 11-What are JavaScript polyfills for?
- 12-What are JavaScript object property flags and descriptors?
- 13-What are Symbols used for in JavaScript?
- 14-Explain the differences between CommonJS modules and ES modules in JavaScript
- 15-Explain the differences on the usage of foo between function foo() {} and var foo = function() {} in JavaScript
- 16-What is a typical use case for anonymous functions in JavaScript?
- 17-What are the various ways to create objects in JavaScript?
- 18-What is a closure in JavaScript, and how/why would you use one?
- 19-What is the definition of a higher-order function in JavaScript?
- 20-What is the difference between .call and .apply in JavaScript?
- 21-Describe event bubbling in JavaScript and browsers
- 22-Describe event capturing in JavaScript and browsers
- 23-What is the difference between mouseenter and mouseover event in JavaScript and browsers?
- 24-What is "use strict" in JavaScript for?
- 25-Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous functions in JavaScript
- 26-What are the pros and cons of using Promises instead of callbacks in JavaScript?
- 27-Explain AJAX in as much detail as possible
- 28-What are the advantages and disadvantages of using AJAX?
- 29-How do you abort a web request using AbortController in JavaScript?
- 30-Explain Function.prototype.bind in JavaScript
- 31-Why is extending built-in JavaScript objects not a good idea?
- 32-Why is it, in general, a good idea to leave the global JavaScript scope of a website as-is and never touch it?
- 33-How does JavaScript garbage collection work?
- 34-What are the various data types in JavaScript?
- 35-What language constructs do you use for iterating over object properties and array items in JavaScript?
- 36-What are the benefits of using spread syntax in JavaScript and how is it different from rest syntax?
- 37-What are iterators and generators in JavaScript and what are they used for?
- 38-Explain the difference between mutable and immutable objects in JavaScript
- 39-What is the difference between a Map object and a plain object in JavaScript?
- 40-What are the differences between Map/Set and WeakMap/WeakSet in JavaScript?
- 41-Why might you want to create static class members in JavaScript?
- 42-Explain how prototypal inheritance works in JavaScript
- 43-What are server-sent events?
- 44-What advantage is there for using the JavaScript arrow syntax for a method in a constructor?
- 45-What are JavaScript object getters and setters for?
- 46-What are proxies in JavaScript used for?
- 47-What tools and techniques do you use for debugging JavaScript code?
- 48-What are workers in JavaScript used for?
- 01-Explain the purpose of the useEffect hook in React
- 02-What are React Fragments, and why are they used?
- 03-What are the main features of React?
- 04-What is the difference between controlled and uncontrolled components?
- 01-What are decorators in TypeScript?
- 02-How does TypeScript handle enums?
- 03-What are generics in TypeScript? Why are they useful?
- 04-What are interfaces in TypeScript? How do they differ from types?
- 05-Explain the concept of Union and Intersection types
- 06-What is the purpose of the unknown type? How is it different from any?
- 07-What is TypeScript, and how is it different from JavaScript?
- 08-Explain Arrays in TypeScript
- 09-List the Applications of TypeScript
- 10-List the Advantages of TypeScript
- 11-What are the Disadvantages of TypeScript?
- 12-What is the Difference Between TypeScript and AngularJS?
- 13-What is the Difference Between TypeScript and Node.js?
- 14-What is the Difference Between an Interface and a Class in TypeScript?
- 15-What is the Difference Between "interface" and "type" in TypeScript?
- 16-What is the Difference Between "unknown" and "any" Types in TypeScript?
- 17-What is the Difference Between "null" and "undefined" in TypeScript?
- 18-What is the Difference Between "let," "var," and "const" in TypeScript?
- 19-What is the Difference Between "==" and "===" in TypeScript?
- 20-What is the Difference Between "interface" and "abstract class" in TypeScript?
- 21-What is the Difference Between "public," "private," and "protected" Modifiers in TypeScript?
- 22-What is the Difference Between "static" and "instance" Methods in TypeScript?
- 23-What is the Difference Between "type assertion" and "type casting" in TypeScript?
- 24-What is the Difference Between "enum" and "union" Types in TypeScript?
- 25-What is the Difference Between "namespace" and "module" in TypeScript?
- 26-What is the Difference Between "declare" and "define" in TypeScript?
- 27-What is the Difference Between "readonly" and "const" in TypeScript?
- 28-What is the Difference Between "interface" and "class" in TypeScript?
- 29-What is the Difference Between "type" and "interface" in TypeScript?
- 30-What is the Difference Between "unknown" and "any" in TypeScript?
- 31-What is the Difference Between "declare" and "define" in TypeScript?
- 32-What is the Difference Between "namespace" and "module" in TypeScript?
- 33-What is the Difference Between "interface" and "abstract class" in TypeScript?
- 34-What is the Difference Between "public," "private," and "protected" in TypeScript?
- 35-What is the Difference Between "static" and "instance" Methods in TypeScript?
- 36-What is the Difference Between "type assertion" and "type casting" in TypeScript?
- 37-What is the Difference Between "enum" and "union" Types in TypeScript?
- 38-What is the Difference Between "namespace" and "module" in TypeScript?
- 39-What is the Difference Between "declare" and "define" in TypeScript?
- 40-What is the Difference Between "readonly" and "const" in TypeScript?
- 41-What is the Difference Between "interface" and "class" in TypeScript?
- 42-What is the Difference Between "type" and "interface" in TypeScript?
- 43-What is the Difference Between "unknown" and "any" in TypeScript?
- 44-What is the Difference Between "null" and "undefined" in TypeScript?
- 45-What is the Difference Between "enum" and "union" Types in TypeScript?
- 46-What is the Difference Between "type assertion" and "type casting" in TypeScript?
- 47-What is the Difference Between "public," "private," and "protected" in TypeScript?