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Unofficial Docker Image For NiFi Registry

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This image is inspired by the official image: apache/nifi-registry. The configuration capabilities and options are taken from that image (see the copyright NOTICE and LICENSE).

The way the image is configured at runtime is reworked to use Go templates and the runtime fork & logs capture is handled by dockerize.

Image is based on openjdk:8-jdk-alpine. It is also smaller than the official one (251MB vs. 387MB).

The dockerhub hook scripts are attributed to jnovack/dockerhub-hooks.

The configuration environment variables are different, so this image is not a drop-in replacement for the official one. Read the documentation below. We have included the original names in this readme for the convenience, but these are NOT supported by this image. Update your launch scripts accordingly.


This image currently supports running in standalone mode either unsecured or with user authentication provided through:

Image flavours

Since 0.5.0, there are several flavours of the image depending on the tag you choose. Versioning is as follows. Every release is tagged with version: -<packaging-version.. Upstream versions currently are: 0.4.0, 0.5.0, 0.6.0, 0.7.0 and 0.8.0. For every version, we tag also the shortened form: 0.6 and 0.7 respectively and also update a tag '0'.

So you can choose, to use image for example: 0.8.0-03.plain, which is upstream 0.8.0, third re-packaging attempt (maybe some packaging bugs, see the changelog) and flavour plain.


  • plain: no UID:GID set (running as root), env var templating TURNED OFF. Example tag: 0.8.0-plain. Environmental variables regarding the git cloning are used, but no configuration files are overwritten by startup scripts. You have to provide configuration files by mounting from outside. Useful for kubernetes deployment with configuration provided as mounted files or config maps, see Providing configuration by mounting files
  • default: no UID:GID set (running as root), ENV var templaping is turned ON. Example tag: 0.8.0-default. In version 0.4.0 this was the -root flavored image. Running under root privileges, but all env vars are template rendered as described in this documentation.
  • no flavour indicator: UID:GID set to nifi:nifi (1000:1000), ENV variables templating is ON. This is the 'user-friendly' default for new users, works out-of-the-box.

Environment variables templating into

All environment variables are templated into conf/ values using this naming scheme:

  1. use only environment variables starting with prefix NIFI_REGISTRY
  2. swap case of every character (e.g. NIFI_REGISTRY_cAMELcASE becomes nifi_registry_CamelCase)
  3. replace all _ (underscores) with . (dots) (e.g. nifi_registry_CamelCase becomes nifi.registry.CamelCase)

Some examples: property Environment variable

This way, you can set and change any property in Do not name your own environment variables with prefix NIFI_REGISTRY, they will get templated into the properties file.

Image provides additional environmental variables to configure authorizers.xml, identity-providers.xml and providers.xml. These are described below.

Templating conditions

  1. is templated from environmental variables iff any variable named NIFI_REGISTRY* is set
  2. authorizers.xml is templated iff INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY is set
  3. identity-providers.xml is templated iff NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_IDENTITY_PROVIDER is set
  4. providers.xml is templated iff FLOW_PROVIDER is set (this is always set by default, you have to set it to empty string). e.g. -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER=', see #20).
  5. bootstrap.conf is templated iff any variable named BOOTSTRAP_* is set

Running and configuring a container

Standalone Instance, Unsecured

The minimum to run a NiFi Registry instance is as follows (compose: docker-compose.simple.yml):

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -d \

This will provide a running instance, exposing the instance UI to the host system on at port 18080, viewable at http://localhost:18080/nifi-registry.

You can also pass in environment variables to change the NiFi Registry communication ports and hostname using the Docker -e switch as follows:

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 19090:19090 \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTP_PORT=19090' \
      -d \

Unless you specify NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTP_HOST, NiFi Registry will bind to IP address, thus listening on all available interfaces. This is different from official image - where the result of shell expression $(hostname) is supplied into property by default.

Java Heap Options and other properties in bootstrap.conf

To increase Java Heap Size or tune any other property in bootstrap.conf use environment variables prefixed with BOOTSTRAP_.

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -e 'BOOTSTRAP_JAVA_ARG_2=-Xms5012m' \
      -e 'BOOTSTRAP_JAVA_ARG_3=-Xmx15512m' \
      -d \

For details, read the templates/bootstrap.conf.gotemplate file.

Standalone Instance, Java Remote Debug

To attach your IDE for Java Remote Debugging, run:

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 8000:8000 \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -e'BOOTSTRAP_JAVA_ARG_DEBUG=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000' \
      -d \

NiFi Registry Listen Properties property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTP_HOST NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTP_HOST (empty) Host to bind, can be IP address or hostname. Default empty value causes listening on all interfaces
nifi.registry.web.http.port NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTP_PORT NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTP_PORT 18080 TCP Port to listen NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTPS_HOST NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTPS_HOST (empty) Host to bind for HTTPS connections, can be IP address or hostname. Default empty value causes listening on all interfaces
nifi.registry.web.https.port NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTPS_PORT NIFI_REGISTRY_WEB_HTTPS_PORT (empty) TCP Port to listen. Default empty, but value 18443 seems to be NiFi Registry standard

You may want to consult Web Properties section of Apache NiFi Registry System Administrator’s Guide

Standalone Instance, Two-Way SSL

In this configuration, the user will need to provide certificates and the associated configuration information. The user must provide the DN as provided by an accessing client certificate in the INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY environment variable. This value will be used to seed the instance with an initial user with administrative privileges. Finally, this command makes use of a volume to provide certificates on the host system to the container instance. This example as compose: docker-compose.twowayssl.yml

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -v /path/to/tls/certs/localhost:/opt/certs \
      -p 18443:18443 \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_KEYSTORE=/opt/certs/keystore.jks' \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_TRUSTSTORE=/opt/certs/truststore.jks' \
      -e 'INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY=CN=AdminUser, OU=nifi' \
      -d \

See Security Properties section of Apache NiFi Registry System Administrator’s Guide

Let us summarize the properties set: property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_KEYSTORE KEYSTORE_PATH (empty) Filename of the Keystore that contains the server’s private key. NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_KEYSTOREtYPE KEYSTORE_TYPE (empty) The type of Keystore. Must be either PKCS12 or JKS. JKS is the preferred type, PKCS12 files will be loaded with BouncyCastle provider. NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_KEYSTOREpASSWD KEYSTORE_PASSWORD (empty) The password for the Keystore. NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_TRUSTSTORE TRUSTSTORE_PATH (empty) Filename of the Truststore that will be used to authorize those connecting to NiFi Registry. A secured instance with no Truststore will refuse all incoming connections. NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_TRUSTSTOREtYPE TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD (empty) The type of the Truststore. Must be either PKCS12 or JKS. JKS is the preferred type, PKCS12 files will be loaded with BouncyCastle provider. NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_TRUSTSTOREpASSWD TRUSTSTORE_TYPE (empty) The password for the Truststore. NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_NEEDcLIENTaUTH (no variable) empty in configuration file, NiFi documentation states default is true. This specifies that connecting clients must authenticate with a client cert. Setting this to false will specify that connecting clients may optionally authenticate with a client cert, but may also login with a username and password against a configured identity provider. The default value is true.


authorizers.xml property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description
authorizers/userGroupProvider/property[name='Initial User Identity 1'] INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY (empty) The identity of a user or system to seed an empty Users File. Multiple Initial User Identity properties can be specified, but the name of each property must be unique, for example: "Initial User Identity A", "Initial User Identity B", "Initial User Identity C" or "Initial User Identity 1", "Initial User Identity 2", "Initial User Identity 3".
authorizers/accessPolicyProvider/property[name='Initial Admin Identity'] INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY (empty) The identity of an initial admin user that will be granted access to the UI and given the ability to create additional users, groups, and policies. For example, a certificate DN, LDAP identity, or Kerberos principal.

Standalone Instance, LDAP

In this configuration, the user will need to provide certificates and the associated configuration information. Optionally, if the LDAP provider of interest is operating in LDAPS or START_TLS modes, certificates will additionally be needed. The user must provide a DN as provided by the configured LDAP server in the INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY environment variable. This value will be used to seed the instance with an initial user with administrative privileges. Finally, this command makes use of a volume to provide certificates on the host system to the container instance. This example as compose: docker-compose.ldap.yml

For a minimal, connection to an LDAP server using SIMPLE authentication:

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -v /path/to/tls/certs/localhost:/opt/certs \
      -p 18443:18443 \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_KEYSTORE=/opt/certs/keystore.jks' \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_TRUSTSTORE=/opt/certs/truststore.jks' \
      -e 'INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY=cn=nifi-admin,dc=example,dc=org' \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_IDENTITY_PROVIDER=ldap-identity-provider' \
      -e 'LDAP_MANAGER_DN=cn=ldap-admin,dc=example,dc=org' \
      -e 'LDAP_MANAGER_PASSWORD=password' \
      -e 'LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE=dc=example,dc=org' \
      -e 'LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER=cn={0}' \
      -e 'LDAP_URL=ldap://ldap:389' \
      -d \

Security properties are set as described at Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) section of NiFi System Administrator’s Guide and Security Properties section of Apache NiFi Registry System Administrator’s Guide

Specifically two properties are set: property Environment variable Provided Value Description NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_IDENTITY_PROVIDER ldap-identity-provider This indicates what type of login identity provider to use. The default value is blank, can be set to the identifier from a provider in the file specified in nifi.login.identity.provider.configuration.file. Setting this property will trigger NiFi to support username/password authentication. NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_NEEDcLIENTaUTH false This specifies that connecting clients must authenticate with a client cert. Setting this to false will specify that connecting clients may optionally authenticate with a client cert, but may also login with a username and password against a configured identity provider. The default value is true.

LDAP environment variables are rendered into conf/identity-providers.xml file as follows:


identity-providers.xml property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description
Authentication Strategy LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_STRATEGY LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_STRATEGY SIMPLE How the connection to the LDAP server is authenticated. Possible values are ANONYMOUS, SIMPLE, LDAPS, or START_TLS.
Manager DN LDAP_MANAGER_DN LDAP_MANAGER_DN (empty) The DN of the manager that is used to bind to the LDAP server to search for users.
Manager Password LDAP_MANAGER_PASSWORD LDAP_MANAGER_PASSWORD (empty) The password of the manager that is used to bind to the LDAP server to search for users.
TLS - Keystore LDAP_TLS_KEYSTORE LDAP_TLS_KEYSTORE (empty) Path to the Keystore that is used when connecting to LDAP using LDAPS or START_TLS.
TLS - Keystore Password LDAP_TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD LDAP_TLS_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD (empty) Password for the Keystore that is used when connecting to LDAP using LDAPS or START_TLS.
TLS - Keystore Type LDAP_TLS_KEYSTORE_TYPE LDAP_TLS_KEYSTORE_TYPE (empty) Type of the Keystore that is used when connecting to LDAP using LDAPS or START_TLS (i.e. JKS or PKCS12).
TLS - Truststore LDAP_TLS_TRUSTSTORE LDAP_TLS_TRUSTSTORE (empty) Path to the Truststore that is used when connecting to LDAP using LDAPS or START_TLS.
TLS - Truststore Password LDAP_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD LDAP_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD (empty) Password for the Truststore that is used when connecting to LDAP using LDAPS or START_TLS.
TLS - Truststore Type LDAP_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE LDAP_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE (empty) Type of the Truststore that is used when connecting to LDAP using LDAPS or START_TLS (i.e. JKS or PKCS12).
TLS - Client Auth LDAP_TLS_CLIENT_AUTH no such variable (empty) Client authentication policy when connecting to LDAP using LDAPS or START_TLS. Possible values are REQUIRED, WANT, NONE.
TLS - Protocol LDAP_TLS_PROTOCOL LDAP_TLS_PROTOCOL (empty) Protocol to use when connecting to LDAP using LDAPS or START_TLS. (i.e. TLS, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, etc).
TLS - Shutdown Gracefully LDAP_TLS_SHUTDOWN_GRACEFULLY (no variable) (empty) Specifies whether the TLS should be shut down gracefully before the target context is closed. Defaults to false.
Referral Strategy LDAP_REFERRAL_STRATEGY (no variable) FOLLOW Strategy for handling referrals. Possible values are FOLLOW, IGNORE, THROW.
Connect Timeout LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (no variable) 10 secs Duration of connect timeout. (i.e. 10 secs).
Read Timeout LDAP_READ_TIMEOUT (no variable) 10 secs Duration of read timeout. (i.e. 10 secs).
Url LDAP_URL LDAP_URL (empty) Space-separated list of URLs of the LDAP servers (i.e. ldap://:).
User Search Base LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE LDAP_USER_SEARCH_BASE (empty) Base DN for searching for users (i.e. CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com).
User Search Filter LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER LDAP_USER_SEARCH_FILTER (empty) Filter for searching for users against the 'User Search Base'. (i.e. sAMAccountName={0}). The user specified name is inserted into '{0}'.
Identity Strategy LDAP_IDENTITY_STRATEGY LDAP_IDENTITY_STRATEGY USE_USERNAME Strategy to identify users. Possible values are USE_DN and USE_USERNAME. The default functionality if this property is missing is USE_DN in order to retain backward compatibility. USE_DN will use the full DN of the user entry if possible. USE_USERNAME will use the username the user logged in with.
Authentication Expiration LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRATION (no variable) 12 hours The duration of how long the user authentication is valid for. If the user never logs out, they will be required to log back in following this duration.

Standalone Instance, Kerberos

This example as compose: docker-compose.kerberos.yml

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -v /path/to/tls/certs/localhost:/opt/certs \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -e 'INITIAL_ADMIN_IDENTITY=cn=nifi-admin@EXAMPLE.ORG' \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_IDENTITY_PROVIDER=kerberos-identity-provider' \
      -d \

Security properties are set as described at Kerberos section of Apache NiFi Registry System Administrator’s Guide. You may also want to set some of the Kerberos Properties in file.

Specifically two properties are set: property Environment variable Provided Value Description NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_IDENTITY_PROVIDER kerberos-identity-provider This indicates what type of login identity provider to use. The default value is blank, can be set to the identifier from a provider in the file specified in nifi.login.identity.provider.configuration.file. Setting this property will trigger NiFi to support username/password authentication. NIFI_REGISTRY_SECURITY_NEEDcLIENTaUTH false This specifies that connecting clients must authenticate with a client cert. Setting this to false will specify that connecting clients may optionally authenticate with a client cert, but may also login with a username and password against a configured identity provider. The default value is true.

Kerberos environment variables are rendered into conf/identity-providers.xml file as follows:


identity-providers.xml property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description
Default Realm KERBEROS_DEFAULT_REALM (no variable) NIFI.APACHE.ORG Default realm to provide when user enters incomplete user principal (i.e. NIFI.APACHE.ORG).
Authentication Expiration KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRATION (no variable) 12 hours The DN of the manager that is used to bind to the LDAP server to search for users.
Enable Debug KERBEROS_ENABLE_DEBUG (no variable) false

Database configuration

Although all the properties in file are configurable using the basic name conversion schema described in Environment variables templating into, we will provide database configuration properties and corresponding environmental variables listing here. This example as compose: docker-compose.mariadb.yml. property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description
nifi.registry.db.url NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_URL NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_URL jdbc:h2:./database/nifi-registry-primary;AUTOCOMMIT=OFF;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;LOCK_MODE=3;LOCK_TIMEOUT=25000;WRITE_DELAY=0;AUTO_SERVER=FALSE The full JDBC connection string. The default value will specify a new H2 database in the same location as the previous one. For example, jdbc:h2:./database/nifi-registry-primary;.
nifi.registry.db.driver.class NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_DRIVER_CLASS NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_CLASS org.h2.Driver The class name of the JDBC driver. The default value is org.h2.Driver. NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_DRIVER_DIRECTORY NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_DIR (empty) An optional directory containing one or more JARs to add to the classpath. If not specified, it is assumed that the driver JAR is already on the classpath by copying it to the lib directory. The H2 driver is bundled with Registry so it is not necessary to do anything for the default case.
nifi.registry.db.driver.username NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_USERNAME NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_USER nifireg The username for the database. The default value is nifireg.
nifi.registry.db.password NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_PASSWORD NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_PASS nifireg The password for the database. The default value is nifireg.
nifi.registry.db.maxConnections NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_MAXcONNECTIONS NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_MAX_CONNS 5 The max number of connections for the connection pool. The default value is 5.
nifi.registry.db.sql.debug NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_SQL_DEBUG NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_DEBUG_SQL false Whether or not enable debug logging for SQL statements. The default value is false.

Example docker command:

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -v ./mariadb-java-client-2.4.1.jar:/opt/nifi-registry/libs/mariadb-java-client-2.4.1.jar \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_URL=jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/db' \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_DRIVER_CLASS=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver' \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_DRIVER_DIRECTORY=/opt/nifi-registry/libs/' \
      -e 'NIFI_REGISTRY_DB_PASSWORD=myPassword' \
      -d \

There are examples for various databases:

Flow persistence provider configuration

To select FlowPersistenceProvider use environemnt variable:

Environment variable Official image variable Possible values Default Value Description
FLOW_PROVIDER NIFI_REGISTRY_FLOW_PROVIDER file, git, database file Environment variable to discriminate which Flow Persistence Provider section to configure in providers.xml. Value file maps to FileSystemFlowPersistenceProvider, value git maps to GitFlowPersistenceProvider, value database maps to DatabaseFlowPersistenceProvider

FileSystemFlowPersistenceProvider (default)

Configuring NiFi Registry FileSystemFlowPersistenceProvider needs just one variable:

providers.xml property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description
Flow Storage Directory FLOW_PROVIDER_FILE_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY NIFI_REGISTRY_FLOW_STORAGE_DIR /opt/nifi-registry/flow-storage Default value is set by image, original default value was "./flow-storage". REQUIRED: File system path for a directory where flow contents files are persisted to. If the directory does not exist when NiFi Registry starts, it will be created. If the directory exists, it must be readable and writable from NiFi Registry.


To configure NiFi Registry GitFlowPersistenceProvider provide these variables:

providers.xml property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description
Flow Storage Directory FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY NIFI_REGISTRY_FLOW_STORAGE_DIR /opt/nifi-registry/flow-storage Default value is set by image, original default value was "./flow-storage". REQUIRED: File system path for a directory where flow contents files are persisted to. The directory must exist when NiFi registry starts. Also must be initialized as a Git directory. See Initialize Git directory for detail.
Remote To Push FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_TO_PUSH NIFI_REGISTRY_GIT_REMOTE (empty) When a new flow snapshot is created, this persistence provider updated files in the specified Git directory, then create a commit to the local repository. If Remote To Push is defined, it also pushes to the specified remote repository. E.g. origin. To define more detailed remote spec such as branch names, use Refspec. See
Remote Access User FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_ACCESS_USER NIFI_REGISTRY_GIT_USER (empty) This user name is used to make push requests to the remote repository when Remote To Push is enabled, and the remote repository is accessed by HTTP protocol. If SSH is used, user authentication is done with SSH keys.
Remote Clone Repository FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_CLONE_REPOSITORY (empty) Remote repository URI to use to clone into Flow Storage Directory, if local repository is not present in Flow Storage Directory. If left empty the git directory needs to be configured as per Initialize Git directory. If URI is provided then Remote Access User and Remote Access Password also should be present. Currently, default branch of remote will be cloned.


NiFi Registry DatabaseFlowPersistenceProvider currently does not need any additional configuration. |

Git cloning the repository at startup

This image is capable of cloning remote git repository at container startup, if the FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY does not exist. Configuring Git cloning and checking out of branch needs a combination of NiFi configuration variables and some variable we added for the clone scripts.

Git and

First, we recommend setting these variables to initialize git config for git repository.

Environment variable Default Value Description
GIT_CONFIG_USER_NAME nifi-registry Value of property in git configuration. Set locally for this repository.
GIT_CONFIG_USER_EMAIL nifi-registry@localhost Value of property in git configuration. Set locally for this repository.

Any variable name prefixed with GIT_CONFIG will be converted into git configuration and applied in repository working directory (that is FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY), using the standard way of conversion (see Environment variables templating into

Cloning using HTTPS

To clone repository using HTTPS scheme set these properties:

Environment variable Default Value Description
GIT_REMOTE_URL (empty) URL of the remote git repository, e.g.
GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH (empty) Branch to checkout and track. If none is specified, repository is only cloned and no branch switching is done.
FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY /opt/nifi-registry/flow-storage Default value is set by image, original default value was "./flow-storage". This variable is used in clone script as a destination directory for clone. It is also used in NiFi Registry configuration.
FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_TO_PUSH (empty) This variable is used in clone script to set origin name using -o, --origin <name> use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream. It is also used in NiFi Registry configuration.

Please always provide values for all these variables. There are no reasonable defaults baked in the image. Example docker run command:

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER=git' \
      -e 'GIT_REMOTE_URL=' \
      -e 'GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH=example' \
      -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY=/opt/nifi-registry/flow-storage-git' \
      -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_ACCESS_USER=michalklempa' \
      -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_ACCESS_PASSWORD=thisisnotmypassword:)' \
      -e 'GIT_CONFIG_USER_NAME=Michal Klempa' \
      -e '' \
      -d \

Image will run at startup. Credential helper hack ( is run only if FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_ACCESS_PASSWORD is set.

    git config --global credential.${GIT_REMOTE_URL}.helper '!f() { sleep 1; echo -e "username=${FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_ACCESS_USER}\npassword=${FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_ACCESS_PASSWORD}"; }; f'

Cloning using GIT+SSH

To clone repository using git+ssh scheme either set these properties, or mount .ssh into /home/nifi/.ssh:

SSH keys using environemnt variables

Note: At the time being, the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE is used by image when cloning the git repository. But NiFi Registry has limitation, that the private key must be password-less (see Until NiFi Registry supports password-protected private keys, the option SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE is unusable.

Environment variable Default Value Description
GIT_REMOTE_URL (empty) URL of the remote git repository, e.g.
GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH (empty) Branch to checkout and track. If none is specified, repository is only cloned and no branch switching is done.
FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY /opt/nifi-registry/flow-storage Default value is set by image, original default value was "./flow-storage". This variable is used in clone script as a destination directory for clone. It is also used in NiFi Registry configuration.
FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_REMOTE_TO_PUSH (empty) This variable is used in clone script to set origin name using -o, --origin <name> use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream. It is also used in NiFi Registry configuration.
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY (empty) Private key for system SSH client in exact same form as it used by OpenSSH. This key will get stored into /home/nifi/.ssh/
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE (empty) If the private key is encrypted, provide the passphrase to decrypt it.
SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS (empty) Contents of the known_hosts file.

Please always provide values for all these variables. There are no reasonable defaults baked in the image. If you want to obtain host key for known_hosts, run this command:

ssh-keyscan -H -t rsa > ~/.ssh/known_hosts_nifi_registry

As JSch library, used by NiFi Registry checks RSA host keys and fails with ecdsa.

Example docker run command:

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER=git' \
      -e '' \
      -e 'GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH=example' \
      -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY=/opt/nifi-registry/flow-storage-git' \
      -e 'GIT_CONFIG_USER_NAME=Michal Klempa' \
      -e '' \
      -e 'SSH_PRIVATE_KEY='$(base64 -w 0 < ~/.ssh/id_rsa) \
      -e 'SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS='$(base64 -w 0 < ~/.ssh/known_hosts_nifi_registry) \
      -d \

Image will run at startup:

    echo -n ${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY} | base64 -d > $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE && chmod 600 $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE
    echo -n ${SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS} | base64 -d > $SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE && chmod 600 $SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE
    export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="sshpass -e -P'assphrase' ssh"

SSH keys using mount point

Another option to provide SSH key is to add a bind mount:

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -v ~/.ssh:/home/nifi/.ssh \
      -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER=git' \
      -e '' \
      -e 'GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH=example' \
      -e 'FLOW_PROVIDER_GIT_FLOW_STORAGE_DIRECTORY=/opt/nifi-registry/flow-storage-git' \
      -e 'GIT_CONFIG_USER_NAME=Michal Klempa' \
      -e '' \
      -d \

You must avoid setting SSH_PRIVATE_KEY, setting this will trigger former behavior, thus rewriting your keys!

Bundle Persistence Providers configuration

To select FileSystemBundlePersistenceProvider use environemnt variable:

Environment variable Official image variable Possible values Default Value Description
EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER NIFI_REGISTRY_BUNDLE_PROVIDER file, s3 file Environment variable to discriminate which Bundle Extension Persistence Provider section to configure in providers.xml. Value file maps to FileSystemBundlePersistenceProvider, value s3 maps to S3BundlePersistenceProvider

FileSystemBundlePersistenceProvider (default)

Configuring NiFi Registry FileSystemBundlePersistenceProvider needs just one variable:

providers.xml property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description
Extension Bundle Storage Directory EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_FILE_EXTENSION_BUNDLE_STORAGE_DIRECTORY NIFI_REGISTRY_BUNDLE_STORAGE_DIR /opt/nifi-registry/extension-bundle-storage Default value is set by image, original default value was "./extension_bundles". REQUIRED: File system path for a directory where extension bundle contents files are persisted to. If the directory does not exist when NiFi Registry starts, it will be created. If the directory exists, it must be readable and writable from NiFi Registry.


To configuring NiFi Registry S3BundlePersistenceProvider provide these variables:

providers.xml property Environment variable Official image variable Default Value Description
Region EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_REGION NIFI_REGISTRY_S3_REGION (empty) REQUIRED: The name of the S3 region where the bucket exists.
Bucket Name EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_BUCKET_NAME NIFI_REGISTRY_S3_BUCKET_NAME (empty) REQUIRED: The name of an existing bucket to store extension bundles.
Key Prefix EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_KEY_PREFIX NIFI_REGISTRY_S3_KEY_PREFIX (empty) An optional prefix that if specified will be added to the beginning of all S3 keys.
Credentials Provider EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER NIFI_REGISTRY_S3_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER DEFAULT_CHAIN REQUIRED: Indicates how credentials will be provided, must be a value of DEFAULT_CHAIN or STATIC. DEFAULT_CHAIN will consider in order: Java system properties, environment variables, credential profiles (~/.aws/credentials). STATIC requires that Access Key and Secret Access Key be specified directly in this file. For Docker image, using the DEFAULT_CHAIN probably does not make a sense. Use STATIC and provide access key and secret key.
Access Key EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_ACCESS_KEY NIFI_REGISTRY_S3_ACCESS_KEY (empty) The access key to use when using STATIC credentials provider.
Secret Access Key EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY NIFI_REGISTRY_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (empty) The secret access key to use when using STATIC credentials provider.
Endpoint URL EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_ENDPOINT_URL NIFI_REGISTRY_S3_ENDPOINT_URL (empty) An optional URL that overrides the default AWS S3 endpoint URL. Set this when using an AWS S3 API compatible service hosted at a different URL.

Please always provide values for all these variables. There are no reasonable defaults baked in the image. Example docker run command:

    docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -e 'EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_REGION=eu-central-1' \
      -e 'EXTENSION_BUNDLE_PROVIDER_S3_BUCKET_NAME=nifi-registry-extension-bundles' \
      -d \

Providing configuration by mounting files

In some environments, like docker-compose or Kubernetes, it may be useful to provide configuration files directly from outside without modifications on them using environment variables.

To provide all needed configuration files as volumes from outside, grab the image label -plain. These images do not have any templating in startup script.
You have to provide all files or the upstream defaults are used. You may also mount the whole ./conf directory.

Plain images do not setup user nifi and group nifi. You may want to set it up yourself, see Running under different UID:GID. To understand all image flavours, see Image flavours.


 docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -v $PWD/conf/bootstrap.conf:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/conf/bootstrap.conf \
      -v $PWD/conf/ \
      -v $PWD/conf/authorizers.xml:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/conf/authorizers.xml \
      -v $PWD/conf/identity-providers.xml:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/conf/identity-providers.xml \
      -v $PWD/conf/providers.xml:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/conf/providers.xml \
      -d \

Running under different UID:GID

By default, the images have user nifi with group nifi embedded under UID:GID of 1000:1000. This may cause problems when binding or mounting volumes to the container. Usually, one needs to have exacts same UID:GID on host machine as is used inside container.

Running as root

You may want to run the image under root user, for this purpose, use the images labeled default:

 docker run --name nifi-registry \
      -p 18080:18080 \
      -v $PWD/conf/bootstrap.conf:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/conf/bootstrap.conf \
      -v $PWD/conf/ \
      -v $PWD/conf/authorizers.xml:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/conf/authorizers.xml \
      -v $PWD/conf/identity-providers.xml:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/conf/identity-providers.xml \
      -v $PWD/conf/providers.xml:/opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/conf/providers.xml \
      -d \

To understand all the image flavours, jump to Image flavours.

Running as custom UID:GID

To run using custom UID:GID (other than 1000:1000), you will have to build your own image, derived from this one. As an example, there is Docker.user.example file in the repository, with contents:

FROM michalklempa/nifi-registry:0.8.0-default
ARG UID=1000
ARG GID=1000

RUN addgroup -g ${GID} nifi \
    && adduser -s /bin/bash -u ${UID} -G nifi -D nifi \
    && chown -R nifi:nifi ${PROJECT_BASE_DIR}
USER nifi

This is derived from default image running under root privileges and adding the desired nifi user and group. To build such image, use this command:

docker build -f Dockerfile.user.example --build-arg UID=2006 --build-arg GID=2006 -t michalklempa/nifi-registry-custom-uid-gid:latest .

Change the numbers to whatever you need.


The Docker image can be built using the following command:

export DOCKER_TAG=0.8.0-01.plain
export MIRROR=
export DOCKERFILE_PATH=Dockerfile
export DOCKER_REPO=michalklempa/nifi-registry

This will result in an image tagged michalklempa/nifi-registry:latest

$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY                   TAG                         IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
michalklempa/nifi-registry   0.8.0-01.plain              945ff5472a69        11 hours ago        233MB

Note: The default version of NiFi Registry specified by the Dockerfile is typically last released version (current: 0.8.0). To build an image for a prior released version, one can override the UPSTREAM_VERSION build-arg with the following command:

export DOCKER_TAG={Desired NiFi Registry Version}-01.plain
export UPSTREAM_VERSION={Desired NiFi Registry Version}
export MIRROR=
export DOCKERFILE_PATH=Dockerfile
export DOCKER_REPO=michalklempa/nifi-registry


There is, however, no guarantee that older versions will work as properties have changed and evolved with subsequent releases.


The templates were built:

./python/ BOOTSTRAP_  < conf/bootstrap.conf > templates/bootstrap.conf.gotemplate

with optional prefix as arg to, so was built:

./python/   < conf/ > templates/

All other templates were designed by hand.

Table of contents is generated using:


Building Release Candidates

To build a release candidate, we first build from source distribution. This way we obtain:


Lets setup directory structure as it is at Apache mirror sites:

mkdir -p ./nifi/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0

And move the tar.gz there:

mv ./nifi-assembly/target/nifi-registry-0.8.0-bin.tar.gz ./nifi/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/

Lets create the sha256 file needed:

sha256sum ./nifi/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/nifi-registry-0.8.0-bin.tar.gz > ./nifi/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.8.0/nifi-registry-0.8.0-bin.tar.gz.sha256

To provide this fake mirror into build process locally, we spin up nginx docker image:

docker run -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html -p 8080:80 nginx

When building the Release Candidate docker image, we spoof the mirror (exact IP address depends on your docker0 network device) and adjust docker tag:

export DOCKER_TAG=0.8.0_RC1-01.plain
export MIRROR=
export DOCKERFILE_PATH=Dockerfile
export DOCKER_REPO=michalklempa/nifi-registry


Building 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Built from 32100bd5e5a49787acb1694cd9751dd1169e6fe7:

docker build \
  --build-arg VERSION=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT \
  --build-arg COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD) \
  --build-arg URL=$(git config --get remote.origin.url) \
  --build-arg BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) \
  --build-arg DATE=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
  -f Dockerfile.master \
  -t michalklempa/nifi-registry:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT .