A PHP script to generate a ShEX document for the HCLS Dataset Description Guidelines.
To run:
php generateShex4HCLS.php
and this will generate hcls.shex as output. You can use the shex content to validate HCLS dataset description files such as chembl-full-description.ttl using http://rdfshape.weso.es.
The SHeX file contains 3 shapes: HCLSSummaryShape, HCLSVersionShape, and HCSLDistributionShape. Three more files are also generated where we force SHOULD and/or MAY to be mandatory - which can be useful for generating error messages in each or both of those levels (in addition to the base requirements). Make note that these have different shape names (e.g. HCLSSummaryForceShouldShape). If you're using a SHeX validator like RDFShape, make sure to use the appropriate shapename for the shapemap (e.g. :chembl @<HCLSSummaryShape>
The SHACL file was automatically generated from the ShEX file using RDFShape.