This micropackage is a wrapper for WordPress filesystem intended to be used within the wp-content
- plugins
- must-use plugins
- themes
- custom upload directories
- custom wp-content directories
This package will prefix all the relative paths to full paths giving a convinient way to manipulate files.
composer require micropackage/filesystem
Initializing the Filesystem class from the main plugin/theme file. It just needs a base directory.
use Micropackage\Filesystem\Filesystem;
$filesystem = new Filesystem( __DIR__ );
Using the micropackage to obtain full paths (plugin example).
echo $filesystem->path();
// /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/
echo $filesystem->path( 'src/templates/full-width.php' );
// /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/src/templates/full-width.php
Using the micropackage to obtain full URL (plugin example).
echo $filesystem->url();
// https://my.plugin/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/
echo $filesystem->url( 'assets/images/logo.svg' );
// https://my.plugin/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/assets/images/logo.svg
Convert image file to base64 URL.
printf( '<img src="%s">', $filesystem->image_to_base64( 'assets/images/logo.svg' ) );
// <img src="...">
On top of that, you can use any method provided by WP_Filesystem class, which includes:
- ...
Micropackages - as the name suggests - are micro packages with a tiny bit of reusable code, helpful particularly in WordPress development.
The aim is to have multiple packages which can be put together to create something bigger by defining only the structure.
Micropackages are maintained by BracketSpace.
This software is released under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.