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Release Notes

OliverShen edited this page Feb 15, 2023 · 28 revisions

Hydra Lab

Gradle Plugin

  • 1.1.0
    • Added optional param ymlConfigFile, params can now be configured through custom yaml file (see more in latest README) and template testSpec.yml);
    • Added optional param type(or triggerType), which was set in extraArgs before;
    • Removed optional param extraArgs as it's equivalent to use param type directly;
    • Notice: some params will be deprecated in later updates, current compatible names are as below (mapping from old to new):
      • instrumentationArgs -> testRunArgs
      • type -> triggerType
      • tag -> artifactTag
      • deviceTestCount -> testRound
  • [STABLE] 1.0.45
    • Fixed NPE issue occurred in 1.0.43;
  • 1.0.43
    • Added optional params neededPermissions and deviceActions;
  • 1.0.41
    • Added retry logic for conditions of HTTP code not being 200;
    • Added API of canceling tasks;
  • 1.0.37
    • [Config changed] Changed parameter "testAppPath" of T2C_JSON from required to optional;
    • Updated logic of setting default value of testScope and testSuiteName;
      • When both testScope and testSuiteName are empty, let testScope be "TEST_APP" and remove required check for testSuiteName;
  • 1.0.36
    • [Config changed] Added optional parameter "testScope" for scope specification of INSTRUMENTATION test.
  • 1.0.34
    • Removed useless dependencies;
  • 1.0.33
    • [Config changed] Added optional parameter "tag" for test report folder naming;
  • 1.0.32
    • Modified report file structure and add back;
  • 1.0.31
    • [Upgrade required for Hydra Lab Release@1.0.0_150246] Added an API for requesting shared access signatures for Azure Blob resources;
  • 1.0.30
    • Fixed testSummary directory not existing issue;
  • 1.0.29
    • Changed default attachment uploading contentType to "application/octet-stream";
    • Added NPE check for attachment parameters loadType and loadDir;
  • 1.0.28
    • Fixed Gradle plugin issue that JVM version isn't compatible, by making groovy grammar compatible for Java 8;
  • 1.0.27
    • [Config changed] Added optional parameter "testRunnerName" for test of type INSTRUMENTATION, default value is "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner".
    • [Config changed] Removed parameter "reportAudience".
    • [Test result path changed] Updated test result path prefix to "${buildDir}/testResult";
  • 1.0.26
    • Parameter "teamName" no longer has default value, default value will be set in Backend using requestor's default team name when requestor is under any team.
  • 1.0.25 - See more in latest template:
    • [Config changed] Added required parameter "teamName" for test of all types, default value is "Default".

    • [Config changed] "appApkPath" renamed to "appPath", "testApkPath" renamed to "testAppPath".

    • [Config changed] Added required parameter "attachmentConfigPath" for uploading attachments of tests of all types, value should be the path to a JSON config file, JSON file schema:


    • Code changed to be compatible for Hydra Lab APIs.

  • 1.0.24
    • Supporting test type APPIUM_MONKEY and T2C_JSON.
  • 1.0.23
    • Substituted check-center-version API with check-center-alive API, in order to exclude extra useless info.
  • 1.0.22
    • Added param output log for type APPIUM_CROSS.
    • Added uniform param uploading process for all test types.
  • 1.0.21
    • Added uniform test apk file path extraction for all test types.
  • 1.0.20
    • [Config added] Added no-required params "needUninstall" and "needClearData" for test of APPIUM_CROSS type, both default values are true.
  • 1.0.19
    • [Output path changed] Updated attachment output artifact folder name, to distinguish different test results when using the same device
  • 1.0.18
    • Removed the feature of canceling task when Hydra Lab task run time reaches timeout (will still cancel the task when queue time reaches timeout).
  • 1.0.17
    • Normalized throwable exception message.
  • 1.0.16
    • Added time to printed logs.
  • 1.0.15
    • [Config changed] Set parameter "queueTimeOutSeconds" and "runTimeOutSeconds" separately, instead of the original "timeOutSeconds".
  • 1.0.14
    • Added center alive checking
    • Added feature that wait timeout will fail the gradle task
    • Added feature that timeout will trigger operation of cancelling task

Azure Extension

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