Now you need a dashboard where to visualize the data you are sending, but, before we will prepare the incoming telemetry to show more relevant data, with average, minimum and maximum values.
Event Hubs is a message pub/sub, we will use it to send and receive the averages to represent them inside the website. Create a new Event Hubs in the Azure portal with New > Internet of Things > Event Hubs
and create a new unique namespace:
And then you must create an Event Hub, call it thinglabseventhub:
We will use this Event Hub in the Stream Analytics as output and in the WebSite as input.
We will create an Azure Stream Analytics Job. In the Azure portal go create a new ASA:
Configure one input as the IoT Hub you created before:
And for the output, we will use the Event Hub we created before. Configure the Event Hub as the output of the ASA:
Finally you create a Query and with this select statement:
WITH ProcessedData as (
MAX(sensorValue) MaxTemperature,
MIN(sensorValue) MinTemperature,
AVG(sensorValue) AvgTemperature,
System.Timestamp AS Timestamp
sensorType = 'temperature'
TumblingWindow (second, 5), deviceId, location
-- Make sure this matches your Event Hub output name from above,
-- If you've forgotten it you can go back and get it in another browser tab
SELECT * INTO [output] FROM ProcessedData
Now you just start this ASA with the Start button, this will start calculating the minimum, maximum and average of the incoming data in a 5 second window.
To show the result, we have prepared for you a website that draws the data using the D3.js library. You will deploy this app to an Azure App Service:
This procedure uses the same site like the one found in
- First you create a WebApp by selecting New > Web + Mobile > Web App:
- Configure the deployment options to an External Repository:
And set the Repository URL to this one:
You must set the WebSockets property to on:
Then you set this two or three properties in your Application Settings section:
- Set THINGLABS_EVENTHUB_CONNSTRING to the connection string you got from your Event Hub
- Set THINGLABS_IOTHUB_CONNSTRING to the general IoT Hub connection string you did set up before
- Set THINGLABS_EVENTHUBNAME, but only if your Event Hub is not named thinglabseventhub
Now, go to your website and you will see the data in graphical form. You may have to wait some minutes to the ASA to start feeding values.