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使用 Microsoft Olive 构建您的项目

如果企业想要拥有自己的行业垂直模型,需要从数据、微调和部署开始。在之前的内容中,我们介绍了 Microsoft Olive 的内容,现在我们基于 E2E 的工作完成更详细的介绍。


我们可以参考 AI Toolkit for VS Code 生成的项目来构建我们的项目,包括数据、模型、微调格式和推理。例如:

|-- Your Phi-3-mini E2E Proj
    |-- datasets
    |-- fine-tuning
    |-- inferences
    |-- model-cache
    |-- gen-model
    |-- setup
  • datasets

    数据可以存储在 csv、json 等格式中。在这个例子中,它是导出的 json 数据。dataset

    注意 我们可以忽略这里的相关设置,因为数据已经上传到 Azure ML(如果是本地的我们可以在这里上传数据)

  • fine-tuning

    指定微调 QLoRA 和 LoRA 算法,以及相关参数

  • inferences

    推理是微调后的模型。它可以是微调后的 Adapter 层的引用,微调后与 Adapter 集成的模型的引用,或者是量化后的 ONNX Runtime 模型。

  • model-cache

    通过 Hugging face CLI 下载的模型,这里是 Phi-3-Mini 模型(使用 Azure ML 我们可以忽略这部分内容,如果你想在本地操作,请执行以下脚本以获取 phi-3 模型)

huggingface-cli login

# input your key from Hugging Face Portal

huggingface-cli download microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct --local-dir Your Phi-3-mini location
  • gen-model

操作后保存的模型,包括微调后的 Adapter 模型、集成的微调 Adapter 模型和 ONNX Runtime 运行的量化模型。

  • setup

所需的安装环境,请运行此命令来设置您的 Olive 环境

pip install -r requirements.txt

Microsoft Olive 配置

如果您想了解 Microsoft Olive 的配置,请访问 Fine Tuning with Microsoft Olive

注意 为了保持最新,请使用以下命令安装 Microsoft Olive

pip install git+

在 Azure ML 中运行 Microsoft Olive


这个示例使用云计算、云数据集,在微调文件夹中添加 olive.config

    "azureml_client": {
        "subscription_id": "Your Azure Subscription ID",
        "resource_group": "Your Azure Resource Group",
        "workspace_name": "Your Azure ML Worksapce",
        "keyvault_name":  "Your Azure Key Valuts"
        "type": "PyTorchModel",
        "config": {
            "hf_config": {
                "model_name": "microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct",
                "task": "text-generation",
                "from_pretrained_args": {
                    "trust_remote_code": true
    "systems": {
        "aml": {
            "type": "AzureML",
            "config": {
                "accelerators": [
                        "device": "gpu",
                        "execution_providers": [
                "hf_token": true,
                "aml_compute": "Your Azure ML Compute Cluster",
                "aml_docker_config": {
                    "base_image": "",
                    "conda_file_path": "conda.yaml"
        "azure_arc": {
            "type": "AzureML",
            "config": {
                "accelerators": [
                        "device": "gpu",
                        "execution_providers": [
                "aml_compute": "Your Azure ML Compute",
                "aml_docker_config": {
                    "base_image": "",
                    "conda_file_path": "conda.yaml"
    "data_configs": [
            "name": "dataset_default_train",
            "type": "HuggingfaceContainer",
            "load_dataset_config": {
                "params": {
                    "data_name": "json", 
                    "data_files": {
                        "type": "azureml_datastore",
                        "config": {
                            "azureml_client": {
                                "subscription_id": "Your Azure Subscrition ID",
                                "resource_group": "Your Azure Resource Group",
                                "workspace_name": "Your Azure ML Workspaces name"
                            "datastore_name": "workspaceblobstore",
                            "relative_path": "Your train_data.json Azure ML Location"
                    "split": "train"
            "pre_process_data_config": {
                "params": {
                    "dataset_type": "corpus",
                    "text_cols": [
                            "Best Answer"
                    "text_template": "<|user|>\n{Question}<|end|>\n<|assistant|>\n{Best Answer}\n<|end|>",
                    "corpus_strategy": "join",
                    "source_max_len": 2048,
                    "pad_to_max_len": false,
                    "use_attention_mask": false
    "passes": {
        "lora": {
            "type": "LoRA",
            "config": {
                "target_modules": [
                "double_quant": true,
                "lora_r": 64,
                "lora_alpha": 64,
                "lora_dropout": 0.1,
                "train_data_config": "dataset_default_train",
                "eval_dataset_size": 0.1,
                "training_args": {
                    "seed": 0,
                    "data_seed": 42,
                    "per_device_train_batch_size": 1,
                    "per_device_eval_batch_size": 1,
                    "gradient_accumulation_steps": 4,
                    "gradient_checkpointing": false,
                    "learning_rate": 0.0001,
                    "num_train_epochs": 1000,
                    "max_steps": 100,
                    "logging_steps": 100,
                    "evaluation_strategy": "steps",
                    "eval_steps": 187,
                    "group_by_length": true,
                    "adam_beta2": 0.999,
                    "max_grad_norm": 0.3
        "merge_adapter_weights": {
            "type": "MergeAdapterWeights"
        "builder": {
            "type": "ModelBuilder",
            "config": {
                "precision": "int4"
    "engine": {
        "log_severity_level": 0,
        "host": "aml",
        "target": "aml",
        "search_strategy": false,
        "cache_dir": "cache",
        "output_dir" : "../model-cache/models/phi3-finetuned"


    "azureml_client": {
        "subscription_id": "Your Azure Subscription ID",
        "resource_group": "Your Azure Resource Group",
        "workspace_name": "Your Azure ML Worksapce",
        "keyvault_name":  "Your Azure Key Valuts"
        "type": "PyTorchModel",
        "config": {
            "hf_config": {
                "model_name": "microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct",
                "task": "text-generation",
                "from_pretrained_args": {
                    "trust_remote_code": true
    "systems": {
        "aml": {
            "type": "AzureML",
            "config": {
                "accelerators": [
                        "device": "gpu",
                        "execution_providers": [
                "hf_token": true,
                "aml_compute": "Your Azure ML Compute Cluster",
                "aml_docker_config": {
                    "base_image": "",
                    "conda_file_path": "conda.yaml"
        "azure_arc": {
            "type": "AzureML",
            "config": {
                "accelerators": [
                        "device": "gpu",
                        "execution_providers": [
                "aml_compute": "Your Azure ML Compute",
                "aml_docker_config": {
                    "base_image": "",
                    "conda_file_path": "conda.yaml"
    "data_configs": [
            "name": "dataset_default_train",
            "type": "HuggingfaceContainer",
            "load_dataset_config": {
                "params": {
                    "data_name": "json", 
                    "data_files": {
                        "type": "azureml_datastore",
                        "config": {
                            "azureml_client": {
                                "subscription_id": "Your Azure Subscrition ID",
                                "resource_group": "Your Azure Resource Group",
                                "workspace_name": "Your Azure ML Workspaces name"
                            "datastore_name": "workspaceblobstore",
                            "relative_path": "Your train_data.json Azure ML Location"
                    "split": "train"
            "pre_process_data_config": {
                "params": {
                    "dataset_type": "corpus",
                    "text_cols": [
                            "Best Answer"
                    "text_template": "<|user|>\n{Question}<|end|>\n<|assistant|>\n{Best Answer}\n<|end|>",
                    "corpus_strategy": "join",
                    "source_max_len": 2048,
                    "pad_to_max_len": false,
                    "use_attention_mask": false
    "passes": {
        "qlora": {
            "type": "QLoRA",
            "config": {
                "compute_dtype": "bfloat16",
                "quant_type": "nf4",
                "double_quant": true,
                "lora_r": 64,
                "lora_alpha": 64,
                "lora_dropout": 0.1,
                "train_data_config": "dataset_default_train",
                "eval_dataset_size": 0.3,
                "training_args": {
                    "seed": 0,
                    "data_seed": 42,
                    "per_device_train_batch_size": 1,
                    "per_device_eval_batch_size": 1,
                    "gradient_accumulation_steps": 4,
                    "gradient_checkpointing": false,
                    "learning_rate": 0.0001,
                    "num_train_epochs": 3,
                    "max_steps": 10,
                    "logging_steps": 10,
                    "evaluation_strategy": "steps",
                    "eval_steps": 187,
                    "group_by_length": true,
                    "adam_beta2": 0.999,
                    "max_grad_norm": 0.3
        "merge_adapter_weights": {
            "type": "MergeAdapterWeights"
    "engine": {
        "log_severity_level": 0,
        "host": "aml",
        "target": "aml",
        "search_strategy": false,
        "cache_dir": "cache",
        "output_dir" : "../model-cache/models/phi3-finetuned"


  • 如果您使用 QLoRA,暂时不支持 ONNXRuntime-genai 的量化转换。

  • 这里需要指出的是,您可以根据自己的需要设置上述步骤。不必完全配置上述这些步骤。根据您的需求,可以直接使用算法的步骤而无需微调。最后您需要配置相关的引擎。

运行 Microsoft Olive

完成 Microsoft Olive 后,您需要在终端中运行以下命令

olive run --config olive-config.json  


  1. 当执行 Microsoft Olive 时,每个步骤都可以放在缓存中。我们可以通过查看微调目录来查看相关步骤的结果。


  1. 我们在这里提供了 LoRA 和 QLoRA,您可以根据需要进行设置。

  2. 推荐的运行环境是 WSL / Ubuntu 22.04+。

  3. 为什么选择 ORT?因为 ORT 可以部署在边缘设备上,推理是在 ORT 环境中实现的。


免责声明: 本文档使用基于机器的人工智能翻译服务进行翻译。尽管我们努力确保准确性,但请注意,自动翻译可能包含错误或不准确之处。应将原文档的本国语言版本视为权威来源。对于关键信息,建议进行专业的人类翻译。对于因使用此翻译而引起的任何误解或误读,我们不承担任何责任。