This SCITT demo shows an issuer using a did:web identifier hosted on GitHub, submitting a claim, receiving a receipt, and validating it.
This demo requires a GitHub Pages user/organization site. To create a site, follow the GitHub Pages user/organization documentation. If you don't have a GitHub account or you don't want to use the GitHub Pages site associated with your account, you can create a new user on GitHub.
Acting as the SCITT Operator run:
Alternatively, set the SCITT_URL variable if you are targeting a remote instance:
export SCITT_URL=<address>
In a new terminal run:
source venv/bin/activate
Acting as the claim producer run:
Note: Replace
with the GitHub username associated with the GitHub Pages site being used for this demo.
export GITHUB_USER=<username>
curl https://${GITHUB_USER}
Acting as the claim consumer run:
jq . tmp/trust_store/scitt.json