Count numbers that are divisible by 3 but not by 9 in the given input range.
printNumberLine prints a line of number upto given input and then prints in reverse order until the given length of the line; rest of the length are filled with spaces.
printNumberDiamond prints a diamond shaped sequence of numbers with given number in the center of the diamond.
return the index of record with minimum level and score.
Updates game records according to given algorithm (see comments)
Checks if a string is palindrome or not.
Search through text file and checks if input search equals to a word in text file.
Save game records into a text file.
load text file of game records into GameRecord array.
Update pan and tilt value according to mouse position.
Accepts a character and returns true when it's alphanumeric.
Repeatedly selects two targets and swap their x,y,z positions. Don't select anything in level 1; select 4 times in level 2; select 10 times in level 3. If both of selected targets are hit or both are not hit, swapping is not performed but counts towards one of the selections.