learning github essentials using python simple excersices
We'll mainly make use of Github issues, branching, pull requests (PR) and reviews.
Fork the given repository to your Github profile
Each drill or checkpoint will be given out as a Github issue.
For each issue (for example this), create a branch thus:
1-hr-arraysum for the first issue on this repo.
Your solutions should be put in a folder named issue-<number> (number padded with 0's) e.g. issue-001
Work out your solution from the branch, then commit changes and push.
Raise a PR against your master branch (not this project's master branch).
Your PR will then be reviewed by your peers and merged appropriately
Quick Git walkthrough:
Fork the repo (click on the "Fork" button at the top-right).
Clone your forked repo, e.g.
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/learn-git-flow.git
Create a branch for your solution, e.g.
git checkout -b 1-drill-0-sum-array
After making changes, stage the changes:
git add --all
Commit the staged changes, e.g.
git commit -m "solution: hackerrank sum-array"
Push your changes, e.g.
git push origin 1-hr-sum-array
Making A pull request: Click on the green button reading "create pull & merge". Make sure you choose your master branch as the base, and not the original repo's master. On finishing click on create pull. Alert your intsructor once you've created the pull request for review purposes.
Reviewing Code: Your code will be reviewed and if it looks good, your pull request will be accepted and the merge done.